Organisation: D1 Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital
Postal address: D1 Kliniska vetenskaper, Danderyds sjukhus, D1 Anestesi och intensivvård, 182 88 Stockholm
Hans Barle | Affiliated to research |
Maria Cronhjort | Affiliated to research |
Claes Frostell | professor |
Karolina Galmén | Affiliated to research |
Robert Hahn | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Mikael Hallengren | PhD Student |
Piotr Harbut | Affiliated to research |
Jan Jakobsson | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Eva Oddby-Muhrbeck | Affiliated to research |
Senka Sendic | Affiliated to research |
Olof Wall | Affiliated to research |
Emma Öbrink | PhD Student |