Organisation: D1 Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital

Postal address: D1 Kliniska vetenskaper, Danderyds sjukhus, D1 Kirurgi och urologi, 182 88 Stockholm



Joel AnderssonPhD Student
Tomas AxelssonAffiliated to research
Felix BjerregaardPhD Student
Johan Blixt DackhammarPhD Student
Marianne BrehmerAffiliated to research
Michaela BreistrandAffiliated to research
Abbas ChabokAffiliated to research
Jan Chandra EngelPhD Student
Louise EgbergAffiliated to research
Jacob FreedmanAffiliated to research
Claes GeddaPhD Student
Parisa Golshani MörlinPhD Student
Ulf GustafssonAffiliated to research
Truls Gårdmarksenior lecturer/senior physician
Fredrik HjernAffiliated to research
Helena HvitfeldtAffiliated to research
Bengt HåkansonAffiliated to research
Anders JanssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Sara JohanssonPhD Student
Silja KarlgrenPhD Student
Per LindströmPhD Student
Richard Erik MarskAffiliated to research
Henrik NilssonAffiliated to research
Tobias NordströmAffiliated to research
Bengt NovikAffiliated to research
Jonas NygrenAffiliated to research
Erik Näslundprofessor/senior physician
Klas PekkariAffiliated to research
Marcus Reuterwall HanssonAffiliated to research
Camilla RunforsAffiliated to research
Staffan SahlinAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Mattias SoopAffiliated to research
Jaél TallPhD Student
Anders Thorellprofessor/senior physician
Viktor TidehagPhD Student
Björn TörnqvistAffiliated to research
David ZukPhD Student