Organisation: D1 Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital

Postal address: D1 Kliniska vetenskaper, Danderyds sjukhus, D1 Medicin, 182 88 Stockholm


D1.Medicin.Klinisk immunologi
D1.Medicin.Sepsis och mikrocirkulation
D1.Medicin.Hemostas och trombos
D1.Medicin.Global folkhälsa


Katherina AguileraPhD Student
Pedro AlmeidaPhD Student
Sara AspbergAffiliated to research
Annika BerglundAffiliated to research
Matilda BerkellAffiliated to research
Oscar BladhPhD Student
Gargi GautamPhD Student
Nina Greilertresearch nurse
Linnea HassbringPhD Student
Sebastian HavervallAffiliated to research
Javier HerreraAffiliated to research
Viktoria HjalmarAffiliated to research
Martha KihlgrenAffiliated to research
Niclas LangeAffiliated to research
Emma LarssonAffiliated to research
Gustav MalmerAffiliated to research
Nina OlaussonAffiliated to research
Tamás Pongráczpostdoctoral researcher
Axel RosellPostdoctoral studies
Samantha Rutherford LörstadPhD Student
Javier SanchezAffiliated to research
Vera StäheliPhD Student
Sara TehraniAffiliated to research
Charlotte Thålinadjunct lecturer
Fredrika WannbergPhD Student
Eli Westerlundassistant senior lecturer
Jacob WidaeusPhD Student
Ulrika MarkingPhD Student
Sandra WojtAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Anna ÅgrenAffiliated to research