KI South imaging equipment

Equipment for imaging and related tasks available at KI South campus

This is a list of equipment and facilities for research and education available at KI South.

Always get in touch with the contact person for an instrument or facility that you are interested in before attempting to use it.

Some instruments are for common use, others belong to a research group (private) but may be available for use at the owner’s discretion. It is generally required that you receive an introduction to any instrument before it is used. There may also be costs associated with the use of an instrument or facility.

Core Facilities

Live Cell Imaging (LCI) core facility
Neo floor 7

Sylvie Le Guyader, BioNut

  • 1 Zeiss multiphoton and single photon confocal with spectral detector
  • 4 Nikon confocals with spectral detectors and resonant scanners
  • 2 Nikon spinning disk confocals
  • 4 Nikon widefield microscopes
  • 2 Nikon TIRF microscopes
  • 1 Nikon STORM super resolution microscope
  • 1 M-Squared Light Sheet Microscope
  • High content screening modules on all Nikon systems (JOBS)
  • Micropatterning and micromanufacturing device (Primo by Alveole)
  • Large incubators for live sample imaging on all systems
  • Laser capture microdissection and cell picking system (MMI)
  • Slide scanner with a colour camera (4 slides, MMI)
  • Virtual Desktop for image analysis with Imaris, NIS-Element, Zen, Fiji, Cell Profiler, Deconvolution, MatLab, Python, CTFire, Omero

Electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), including sample preparation
Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, Core Facility

Lars Haag, LabMed


Leica Confocal / TCS SP2 microscopy (common)
SÖS Research Center, Bergrum 4 skepp 12

Vladimer Darsalia, KI SÖS

Leica MZ6 stereo (common)
Neo 7637

José Inzunza

A1R+- Nikon confocal system (common)
ANA F 81212

Pernilla Lång, LabMed

Olympia (common)
SÖS-Research Center, 5th floor cell room

Sofia Björkander, KI SÖS

Olympus (common)
SÖS Research center 5th floor α-lab

Vladimer Darsalia, KI SÖS

Olympus IX71 (common)
Microscope, motorized stage and incubation chamber for time laps
KFC, Novum

Kathrin Reiser, KFC/CLINTEC:
Rainer Heuchel, KFC/CLINTEC:

Zeiss Axioskop 40 biocular (common)
Neo 7637

José Inzunza, BioNut

Fluorescence microscopes

Axiovert Zeiss Inverted (common)
Neo 7637

José Inzunza, BioNut

Nikon Eclipse E1000 (common)
Neo 6033

José Inzunza, BioNut

Olympus 1X71 (common)
Neo 6033

José Inzunza, BioNut

Zeiss Axioplan 2 Microscope (common)
Neo 7637

José Inzunza, BioNut

Live cell imaging

IncuCyte (private)
Neo 6150

Martin Bergö, BioNut

Cell centrifuges

Cytospin 3 (private)
SÖS Research center 5th floor β-lab

Zekiye Cansu, KI SÖS

Sysmex (private)
Neo 7134

Ann Wallblom, MedH/HERM


NX70 NX50 HM 500-series (common)
SÖS Research center 5th floor α-lab

Vladimer Darsalia, KI SÖS

Leica CM3050S (private)
Neo 7033

Anne-Sofie Johansson, MedH/HERM


Leica SM2010R (Microtome HM355S) (private)
SÖS Research center 5th floor α-lab

Vladimer Darsalia, KI SÖS


Vibratome (common)
SÖS Research Center 5th floor cell room

Sofia Björkander, KI SÖS

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