FIELD program

The program runs for the third time from October 2025 to May 2026. Junior researchers and teachers can apply via the link below.


  • Program period: October 2025 - May 2026
  • You are expected to attend all meetings, at Campus Solna and Campus Flemingsberg
  • Mentor groups will schedule own meetings


  • October 15-16, Retreat at Vår Gård
  • November 12, KI Solna - Gender and organisation
  • December 11, KI Flemingsberg - Academic citizenship and housekeeping 


  • January 20, KI Solna - Work environment and gender equality
  • February 18, KI Flemingsberg - Career trajectories
  • March 17, KI Solna - Gender equal meriting
  • April 15, KI Flemingsberg - Leadership and change
  • May 20, KI Solna - Final meeting with KI management

Retreat: 08.30 day 1 - 16.00 day 2 
Seminars (November – April): 08.00-11.30 with a sandwich to go
Final meeting: 8.30-15.00 with lunch

Mentors are expected to attend the following meetings:

  • October 16, 2025, 10.00-16.00 at Vår Gård
  • February 18, 2026, 08.00-11.30 with lunch to go, KI Flemingsberg 

Own mentor group meetings:

  • Mentors are welcome to participate on May 20, 2026, 08.30-15.00 with lunch, final meeting with KI management, KI Solna 

Program responsible and contact

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Mia von Knorring

Associate Professor, FIELD program responsible and program leader
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Linda Sturesson Stabel

PhD, FIELD Project manager
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Kristina Palm

Professor, FIELD program leader

You can be part of the program

  • If you've had a doctoral degree for at least 2 years but do not have an employment as senior lecturer or professor at KI or elsewhere, nor position as associate professor outside KI
  • If you are employed at KI or are adjunct to research and/or education at KI through employment of at least 20%   

What you gain

  • A unique possibility to build strong networks with the participating fellows and mentors
  • Science-based knowledge related to gender equal career opportunities and possibilities to relate own experiences with the different topics covered during seminars with leading researchers from different universities
  • Support and possibility for reflection in smaller mentoring groups about career opportunities
  • Deepened knowledge on a topic of choice through small assignment in groups that will contribute to strengthening gender equal meriting opportunities at KI