Update from the SiiUss project

The SiiUSS project is a joint initiative between KI and the University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) that has been awarded the STINT Initiation Grant. Part of the KI team recently visited the UPD team in Manila.

Developing a course for support staff

The SiiUSS team is working to develop an online training course to provide support staff and services (SSS) with a greater understanding of internationalisation, to emphasise the importance of inclusiveness and diversity, and how, these relate to SSS, while engaging the support services and staff more actively in the internationalisation processes at their respective institutions.

KI and UPD project team
SiiUss team members meeting in Manila in December. Photo: N/A

Meeting IRL in Manila

After two long COVID years of digital meetings,  Karen Gustafsson and Jennifer Valcke, two members of the SiiUSS project team at KI travelled in December to Manila for the first IRL project team meeting, where the groundwork for this international tandem course was laid. 

International tandem online

The course will pair one member of staff from each institution in an online international tandem to provide them with a virtual mobility experience. In the pilot study, the participants will follow a 6-module course covering different topics, namely, Internationalisation, understanding the SDGs,  creating an Inclusive campus and Global citizenship.  Each module is carefully designed to meet the needs of the target group.

In March in Stockholm

The next IRL project team meeting is planned for March 2023 in Stockholm where the team will be joined by one of the external experts from the University of Helsinki. The goal of this second and last IRL meeting is to have a run-through of the course in preparation for the pilot study that is scheduled to run from April to October of 2023. 

Pilot of 10

The pilot study will be made of five participants from each of the partners totalling 10 participants in all, each tandem pair will also have the support of a facilitator from one of the partners to support them in their learning.

More information about this project 

Project manager for SiiUss

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