Sustainable Development at NVS
All employees at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society have the potential to inspire sustainability efforts as well as to implement the Agenda 2030 with its global goals both within daily worklife and explicitly in education or research.
Together we are transitioning to a sustainable global society - lets rise to the challenge and all opportunities ahead!

NVS Environmental and Climate Awareness

Theme Planetary Health

Change and engagement
The Promise of Planetary Health

Teaching and learning for sustainable development
Inspiration on pedagogy and methods for education in competences and abilities for sustainable development.

Sustainable research laboratory
Inspiration on how to make daily work environment more sustainable, along with information about replacing toxic chemicals with less-toxic alternatives.

Getting started with the SDGs at KI: Take the web course
Learn more about the Agenda 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how each of us can contribute!
The course includes activities, videos, quizzes and discussions.