Hello new staff #13

We are happy to introduce new colleagues and other staff changes at the Department of Laboratory Medicine. Welcome everyone!

Elisabeth Persson

HR Partner at the Labmed administration office

Elisabeth has studied Human Resources and has a bachelor in Psychology. She has previously worked at several universities with HR. Most recently she worked as a HR-administrator at Karolinska Institutet in Solna where she worked with recruitments, questions regarding work environment, affiliations, IT, scholarships and more.

In this position she will be working with HR both operationally and strategically and support managers in recruitments, work environment and administration. She will also work with administration regarding pension and salary.

Lisa Eriksson

Education coordinator at Division of Clinical Physiology

Lisa obtained her bachelor´s degree in Biomedical Laboratory Science at KI in 2017. Since then, she has worked as a Leg. BMA at the clinical physiology clinic at Danderyd´s Hospital, primarily performing echocardiography. Simultaneously she obtained a master´s degree in Sport´s Physiology and Medicine at Örebro´s University. At KI Lisa is involved in teaching and takes part in or assists throughout various research projects.                                                                                

Ames Hakam

Educational coordinator at Division of Clinical Physiology

Ames has worked at Lund university as research coordinator for 5 years. He is looking forward to being a part of KI. Ames brings a wealth of experience in administration and a has a strong passion for higher education. His goal is to support and enhance KI:s mission and vision by working closely with the Laboratory medicine divisions to improve the overall student experience.

Ana Vankova

PhD student at Division of Clinical Chemistry/Uwe Tietge group

Ana comes from Macedonia and did her Master in Molecular Medicine at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). For her master thesis she was looking at the development of the hippocampal formation in a NEIL3 knockout mouse model.  After finishing her master, she started working as a lab technician in Myriam Aouadi´s lab here at KI where she worked for 2 years.

For her PhD project in Uwe Tietge's group she will be looking at the role of HDL function in cardiometabolic disease.

Ping Chen

Assistant Professor at Division of Clinical Chemistry

Ping is a computational biologist. She received her PhD degree from University of Helsinki, Finland, where she developed several computational methods to study alternative splicing dynamics in mammalian evolution and treatment resistance in cancer. She continued her postdoc research training in the Integrated Cardiometabolic Center and Center for Infectious Medicine at KI, where she worked on single-cell data analysis of human metabolic tissues. Since 2021, she has been Assistant Professor and is currently setting up her independent research group in the Division of Clinical Chemistry at KI LABMED, focusing on data-driven research in human cardiometabolic diseases.

Nasrin Latif

Laboratory Manager at Division of Biomolecular and Cellular Medicine/ Stephan Mielke group

Nasrin obtained three Master's degrees: one in Biochemistry from Uppsala University in Sweden and the other Master's degree in Biotechnology and Business Administration (MBA) from the United States. She returned to Karolinska Institutet after working in academia and industry for over two decades in the United States. She has now joined Professor Mielke's group as a Laboratory Manager with responsibilities to support, coordinate, and facilitate the group members on their research projects, administrative tasks, and financial overviews within the cell- and gene therapy team.

Mohammad Razavi

Research specialist at Division of Clinical Microbiology / Christian Giske group

Dr. Mohammad Razavi has a combined background in computer science and medical informatics, earning his PhD from University of Gothenburg. His research focused on discovering mobile antibiotic resistance genes in various environments. Currently, his work centers around predicting drug-resistant TB, researching resistance to new antibiotics and creating surveillance systems for detecting outbreaks.

Other staff changes

Research group - Joakim Dillner

Joakim Dillner and his research group moved from Labmed to CLINTEC on January 1, 2023. We wish him and his group continued success at their new Department.

Hermon Berhane

Hermon Berhane, financial manager at Labmed is back from his parental leave.

Dhifaf Sarhan and Sara Windahl

Dhifaf was appointed as new Head of Division of Pathology from January 1, 2023 and Sara Windahl as educational responsible at the division. We asked them a few questions. Read to find out more.

Published 2023-02-15

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