Project Grant Call for Recruitment of a Postdoc to the KI-SciLifeLab Clinical Translational Postdoc Network

Application deadline 25 March 2024.

Purpose and aim

Karolinska Institutet is announcing this grant call for recruitment of postdocs with clinical translational focus at SciLifeLab. The purpose of the call is to support clinical translational research by enabling the recruitment of researchers at the postdoc level who will be affiliated wholly or in part to SciLifeLab and who will conduct research is collaboration with clinical practice. 

The call covers research based on clinical samples and/or patient data as well as technologies and/or competencies at SciLifeLab, for example in the areas of precision medicine and diagnostic development.

The grant is funded by the KI’s SFO grant for SciLifeLab and is an initiative from SciLifeLab Committee KI.


The project grant must be applied for together by two co-applicants. The main applicant should be a group leader at SciLifeLab affiliated to KI and the co-applicant should be a clinically active researcher affiliated to KI.

To be eligible to apply for the project grant you must have a doctoral degree and be employed by of affiliated to KI.

Every main applicant may submit max two applications.

The grant

The size of the grant is 1,000,000 kr/year for two years (2,000,000 kr in total). 

Up to five grants will be available in this call.

The grant is administered by the main applicant’s department. The earliest start for the project is 2024-10-01 and the grant may be used until 2028-12-31. The grant is paid every quarter starting with the first quarter after the start of the postdoc’s employment. The grant shall contribute to the funding of salary for a postdoc for 24 months.

The department is responsible for the recruitment of the postdoc position but the announcement of all the projects that are approved in the call will be made in a coordinated manner, preliminarily during August-September 2024. The postdocs that are recruited to the approved projects will form the KI-SciLifeLab Clinical Translational Postdoc Network.

Since the grant is only intended for salary costs (incl. LKP and INDI) for a postdoc, the applicants must guarantee other necessary funding for the projects. The source of this funding must be specified in the application.


The application shall consist of the following parts:

  • Project description in English, max two pages
  • Motivation for how the project fulfils the purpose and aims of the call, max one page
  • CV for both applicants, max two pages each (max four pages in total)
  • List of ten most relevant publications for each applicant (max 20 publications in total)
  • Budget, including other sources of funding for the project

Assessment criteria

Applications will be assessed by expert reviewers based on the following criteria: quality and feasibility of the research plan, the applicants’ competence, and relevance for the aim of the call and for SciLifeLab. Granting decision will be made by the SciLifeLab Committee KI.

Deadline for applications

Applications may be submitted until 2024-03-25. Incomplete or late applications will not be reviewed.

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