The Infrastructure Board

The Infrastructure Board coordinates resources and investments in research infrastructure for KI, including collaboration with Region Stockholm and national and international initiatives. The Board formally reports to the Faculty Board and has particular responsibility for promoting investments in core facilities and shared research equipment. The Infrastructure Board has recently granted operating support for 37 core facilities for the years 2022-2024, totaling approximately SEK 330 million.

Composition of the Infrastructure Board

The Infrastructure Board is chaired by a chairperson appointed by the President. The members are drawn from academic and administrative functions within KI and should represent all of KI's activities, in accordance with the delegation rules. The Infrastructure Board receives administrative support from the Faculty Office and International Relations and can co-opt and bring in additional expertise.

The term of office for Infrastructure Board members is three years.




Student representative

Adjunct members

Scheduled meetings autumn 2024

  • Tuesday-Wednesday 20–21 August: assessment meeting
  • Friday 6 September, 13:00–15:30
  • Tuesday 1 October, 13:00–15:30
  • Tuesday 5 November, 13:00–15:30
  • Tuesday 3 December, 13:00–15:30

Strategy for KI's research infrastructure

KI's vision requires an increasing alignment towards cutting-edge technology and functional research infrastructure.

The Committee for research has therefore established a strategy for work on core facilities and research infrastructure that is valid until 2024 and in line with KI's Strategy 2030.

Other relevant documents


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Lisa Arodin Selenius

Administrative Officer
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Lena Lewin

Scientific Coordinator
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Charlotta Kubu

Financial Controller

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • H5.Department of Laboratory Medicine
Log in with KI-ID