Suppliers of photography services

Karolinska Institutet (KI) has a framework agreement for photography beside KI's own photo agency Bildmakarna. If you require a photographer you may contact Bildmakarna or use this agreement. Use this guide to place your order.

Photo: N/A

Photography services may involve a major or minor session for an event that requires documentation, at conferences, interviews and other events when images are needed.

How to order photography services

When ordering a photographer, a special index is applied which means that you as a client choose the photographer who can best meet your needs at the time of the call, from one or several of the following (unranked) priorities:

  • Specialisation
  • Experience and proficiency
  • Creativity
  • Access to studio or special technology
  • Delivery time (images delivered by a specific delivery date and time)
  • Price (hourly rate and price for any additional services are fixed and are stated in each photographer's agreement, see link to framework agreement below).

It is important to describe the assignment as thoroughly as possible. Your request should indicate your time frame and when you need the photographs to be delivered by (for example, that the session is to take place on a certain day and time). Provide a reasonable deadline for photographers to return their offers.

When you have received a tender and have chosen a photographer, you must send a so-called award decision to all tenderers where you can justify your choice of supplier based on the above index. You do not have to, but can, ask all the photographers for each individual call.


Ark Produktion
Johannes Frandsen
073-916 45 21

Photographer Anna Molander
Anna Molander
070-687 63 68

Photographer Erik Flyg AB
Erik Flyg
073-070 03 96

Photographer Fredrik Persson
Fredrik Persson
070-774 21 37

Lizafoto AB
Liza Simonsson
073-981 44 95

Martin Stenmark Freelance photographer
Martin Stenmark
073-761 88 03

Rickard Kihlström Media AB
Rickard Kilström
070-422 33 60

Roundshot Photo
Danish Saroee
073-087 26 00

Valter Bengtsson FaktaPress AB
Valter Bengtsson
070-956 08 52

2See AB
Sören Andersson
073-519 19 68

Accessibility and consent form

KI is subject to the Swedish law governing accessibility to digital public services, which entails that users who cannot comprehend audio or images shall have the opportunity to take part of the content through an alternative representation, such as through captions and audio descriptions.

Read more about what to take into consideration about images and usufruct, and find a downloadable consent form to obtain publishing permissions from persons shown in the images.

Checklist for ordering photos

Questions to answer before you contact the photographer:

  • What is the budget?
  • How long is the photographer's estimated time taken?
  • What is the context of the photography?
  • What will the images be used for?
  • Who will see the images?
  • Who should be able to use the images (image usage rights)?
  • When must the images be delivered?


You can personally search through the contract catalogue (ki-id is required) by using the search term (in Swedish) ‘fotograf’ to locate agreements with and prices for KI’s photographers. If you have any questions about the framework agreement, please contact

Need support and advice about ordering photos? Please contact your department's Main web editors.

General questions can be answered by Madeleine Svärd Huss at the Communications and Public Relations Department

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