KI RIMS panel

Do you want to influence the work with KI RIMS? Join the KI RIMS panel! The purpose of the panel is to bring together stakeholders and users for collaboration, dialogue and joint development of KI RIMS.

Purpose of the panel

Recruitment for user testing

Through the KI RIMS Panel, we identify and engage people for user testing. This gives us valuable feedback from actual users of KI RIMS and enables improvements and customisations based on real user experiences for different parts and aspects of the system.

Feedback from the organisation 

The members of the panel act as representatives of different parts of KI. Raising issues in the KI RIMS panel creates a channel for the organisation to provide feedback and influence the system both in the short and long term. This ensures that KI RIMS is developed in line with the organisation's needs and priorities.

Forum for anchoring

Panel members can act as a communication channel to spread information about KI RIMS within the organisation. This enables clarification and anchoring of various decisions and choices regarding the system and its use.


How the KI RIMS panel works

Who can participate?

All users and stakeholders of KI RIMS are welcome to join the panel.

How does the process work?

Questions to the panel members can come via email, in Teams or at joint meetings.

How do I join?

Email Emma Almroth or join the panel's Team GRP_RIMS_Panelen | General | Microsoft Teams. You need to have an KI account to join the team. 

Profile image

Emma Almroth

Project Manager
Content reviewer:
Sara Janzen