
In HR-Pulse, the departments/equivalents can send surveys and control which questions are to be asked, when they are to be sent out and which part of the organization is to take part in the survey.

What is HR Pulse?

Because of that we have developed HR-Pulse, an easy way for the departments / equivalent to listen to their employees. HR-Puls is a flexible survey solution where the departments / equivalents can control which questions are to be sent out, when it is to be sent out and to which recipients. HR-Puls is a tool in the systematic work environment.

How does it work?

Each department / equivalent has access to an HR Pulse portal where it is possible to send out surveys. Access to the portal is different at each department / equivalent, but in general it is local HR and AC that have access to the portal. In the portal, it is possible to choose which survey (s) to send out, time of dispatch and what part of the organization should to receive the survey. Take part of the result in the same portal. The result is updated every night. The result is anonymous and must be treated confidentially. To show a result, 5 answers or more are required.

The surveys

The portal contains a number of surveys to choose from. The surveys are largely based on the KI employee survey, but there are also surveys that have been prepared specifically for HR-Pulse. It is possible to send out one survey at a time or select several so that it becomes a longer survey. However, we do not recommend choosing more than 3 surveys at the same time as HR-Pulse should be easy to answer and feel fast and short. The HR-Pulse surveys should be fast, capture a snapshot, form the basis for further discussions, support in decision-making at the departments / equivalent and focus more on future development than evaluation of a period that has been.

Below surveys are available:

  • Work-life balance
  • Sleep and stress
  • Working conditions
  • Effective groups
  • Conditions for motivation and engagement
  • Motivation and engagement
  • Management and leadership
  • Performance appraisals
  • Physical work environment and tools
  • We-feeling
  • Objectives and strategies
  • Discrimination, offensive behavior and harassment
  • Communication and info
  • Changes within the organization


Each department / equivalent needs to create a plan for how to work with HR-Pulse. Gather AC, HR and safety representatives and think through your specific needs. Think about which survey (s) are relevant to your department /equivalent. Is there a survey you need right now? What can a long-term plan for HR-Puls look like? How often should you send out HR-Pulse? And how should you work with the result? Your plan for HR pulse can be very different. Do not forget to inform all managers about your plan.

One way is to choose a focus area such as sleep or motivation and engagement and measure it continuously every two months or once a quarter. Another way is to take one survey at a time and go through all the surveys in a longer period. The survey about employee interviews is suitable to send out when all managers have had performance appraisal 1 or 2. The departments / equivalent have full responsibility for how they want to work with HR-Pulse.

Follow-up and support

There will be no central follow-up on HR-Pulse and no action plans will be required. The departments / equivalent decide for themselves how they want to work with HR-Pulse. There is a lot of support to get both in planning and in the results work, but it needs to be initiated from the departments / equivalent.

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