Checklist for administration of international staff

Here you can find a summary of the checklist for administration of international staff at hosting departments. Contact your Human Resources officer for support.

Visa/Stay in Sweden up to three months

For example student, guest lecturer, external expert, faculty examiner, conference visitor. Non-EU citizens need a visa to Sweden, except nationals of USA, Japan, Israel, Canada, Australia. See List of foreign citizens who require Visa for entry into Sweden.

Invitation from KI should contain the following information:
• the applicant's name and date of birth
• why the applicant will be visiting Sweden
• period the invitation is valid for
• information about sufficient funds: is the inviting department going to meet all expenses during the visit?
• insurance information if the person stays shorter than one year
• contact person at department

A visa is temporary and is valid for a maximum 90 days per six month period. A person who has been in the Schengen Area for 90 days must be outside of the Schengen Area for 90 days before they can receive a new Schengen Visa. One can apply for a Schengen Visa that is valid for several entries. More information: the Swedish Migration Agency.

Insurance for Foreign Visitors is a collective insurance covering emergency medical costs paid for by KI centrally. The insurance is valid for invited foreign visitors and accompanying persons. Check insurance coverage with your HR administration.

EU citizens: no special permit is required, but visitors should bring a European health insurance card along.

Stay in Sweden for more than three months: residence permit

Before coming to Sweden, the decision should be ready. Citizens who require Visa for entry into Sweden have to show Residence permit card (UT-card). Other nationals should visit the Swedish Migration Agency after arrival to be fingerprinted and photographed in order to get Residence permit card.

The employee/guest researcher/student should immediately register at the Tax Agency if the stay in Sweden is planned to be longer than a year to get a Swedish personal number. 

Residence permit for research

In order to receive a third country researcher for more than three months, KI and researcher sign a hosting agreement that specifies the research project and researcher applies for a residence permit for researcher. Groups at KI covered are all those involved in research projects such postdoc, researcher, professor; either with employment or on stipend. Researchers can apply for a permanent residence permit after four years with residence permit for research. Admitted doctoral students at KI do not count as researchers but as students.

The hosting agreement confirms that the researcher during each month of his/her stay in the country has access to the means at least equal to the amount the Research Council recommends (currently 9700 SEK) through employment or scholarship. The hosting agreement is the basis for the researcher's residence permit application to the Swedish Migration Agency. Hosting agreement is not a contract and does not replace the affiliation decision. Please, note that according to the KI scholarship rules, postdocs with external funding lower than KI stipend need to be compensated, see Scholarship rules in Scholarships

Employees other categories: work permit

The employer has to advertise the position in Sweden and within EU/EES and Switzerland through Arbetsförmedlingen for a minimum of 10 days (only applies when recruiting new employees). The employer logs in using e-legitimation to complete an offer of employment, submit an employment contract, signed by both parties and to allow the relevant trade union to provide a statement of opinion regarding the terms of employment. The offer of employment is sent to the employee who applies for a work permit and attach the offer. Researchers do not need to apply for a work permit if they have a special residence permit to work as a researcher, see above.

Residence permit for studies

To be eligible for a residence permit for studies, the student must have been admitted to full-time studies. Follow the Checklist for a certificate regarding a first-time permit for doctoral studies at the Swedish Migration Agency homepage.

Swedish personal number

The employee/student should visit the Tax Agency in person as soon as possible if the stay in Sweden is planned to be longer than a year to get a Swedish personal identity, see Moving to Sweden

EU citizens
EU citizens who want to stay in Sweden for more than three months in order to, for example, work or study, do not need to contact the Swedish Migration Agency. Instead the registration of right of residence is done at the Tax Agency. 


Contact KI Housing for accommodation and se tips for other alternatives.

Personal number

The person must immediately register with the Tax Agency (personal visit) if the stay in Sweden is planned to be longer than one year in order to obtain a Swedish social security number.


Banks normally ask for Swedish personal number or co-ordination number in order to open a bank account, se Moving to Sweden.


If the person with taxable income stays less than six months, the hosting department applies for SINK tax and the visitor will have a coordination number.

Senior researchers (min second postdoc period) can apply for Tax relief for foreign key personnel. The application must be sent to the Taxation of Research Workers Board (Forskarskattenämnden) within three months after the start of employment. Individuals qualifying for tax relief may not be Swedish citizens. An individual who has been a resident in Sweden during any of the five years prior to the start of the assignment in Sweden cannot qualify for tax relief status. See more information about tax relief

Relocation services

KI has procured relocation services and has a framework agreement with Movenet, see the KI Agreements. You will also find a description of the procured services and the prices for these below under links. Movenet offers package solutions but also individual services and can help with everything from applying to the Swedish Migration Agency, housing search, relocation coordination and information about preschool and school for the children. It is up to each department / department to decide what they want to offer new employees. Contact your local HR if you would like to order.


Guide for new colleagues at KI

International Staff webinars


Profile image

Ulla Tunkara

Advice and service to co-workers and departments. Contact person for migration issues and EURAXESS at KI.

Azin Amjadi

Coordinates relocation for Assistant Professors, Senior Researchers, Lecturers and Professors

Contact KI Department

For questions regarding employment, scholarship or admission, please, contact HR or administrator for doctoral education at your hosting department first.


Content reviewer:
Ulla Tunkara