VPN service | KI-VPN

When working remotely, you can connect via VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access KI's network and internal resources - such as shared folders on file servers. There is one service available for Karyon clients within Coordinated IT called KI-VPN, and another called VPN Light for other computers.

Is VPN required to access what you need to work on?

The IT Office has actively worked to reduce the number of systems and services that require VPN to access remotely - and the vast majority can now be accessed by simply logging in with your KI ID. Further down this page you will find an up-to-date list of what does and does not require a VPN.

If you do not need to use a VPN for what you are working on at the moment, you can simply ignore establishing a connection through VPN.

With VPN, your computer works just like it does when you are on campus. This means that you are identified as a KI employee and get direct access to certain internal resources without an extra login.

KI-VPN is available for Karyon clients, standard computers from KI for departments that are connected to Coordinated IT.

Employees outside Coordinated IT, and employees who want to use VPN on other computers, use the VPN Light service which you can find more information about below. 

Please note that KI-VPN is not available for students at KI.

Login to KI-VPN for Karyon clients

Karyon is the name of the standard computers used by professional services and department employees, that are part of Coordinated IT. On your Karyon client, you use KI-VPN through the FortiClient software, which is easily accessible in the system tray (bottom right on Windows, top right on Mac).

To connect, right-click on the programme icon and select "Connect to KI-VPN Primary", then log in with:

  1. Username and password (your KI ID)
  2. Verification via your phone

If you have problems logging in, you can choose the option "Connect to KI-VPN Secondary" instead. Try this before contacting the Helpdesk for troubleshooting assistance.

Note that you have to reconnect to the VPN every time you start a new session (e.g. when you restart your computer) - it is not constantly connected.

User guides

See these detailed guides from Helpdesk if you need help to get started:

KI-VPN for Windows

Step 1: Turn off AlwaysOn VPN
Step 2: Connect to KI-VPN

KI-VPN for Mac

Connect to KI-VPN

If you have recurring problems logging into KI-VPN, start by following the steps in this troubleshooting guide.

If these steps do not help and you need to contact Helpdesk, please describe the situation as thoroughly as possible and answer the questions below that apply to you, for the fastest possible assistance:

  • Time and date of connection attempt.
  • What could not be accessed if it concerns a specific service, system, application, storage location.
  • Where were you at the time of the error; at home, at a hotel, other location.
  • How was the computer connected; mobile broadband, Wifi, network cable.
  • Which operating system; Windows, macOS.

Create a ticket at KI Self Service

VPN Light: for computers outside Coordinated IT

Both computers from KI (outside Coordinated IT) and private computers can use VPN Light from FortiClient to access KI systems and services.

If you need VPN, you must order the solution by submitting your information through the form below. Within one working day you will receive an email from Helpdesk with a link to download the required software.

VPN Light replaces Cisco AnyConnect which is being discontinued at KI due to known security flaws. VPN Light is only available for PC/Mac, not as an app for mobile devices such as tablets or mobile phones.

To get started

  1. Fill your details in this form.
  2. Once you receive an email (next business day) with links to download the software, follow the attached guides to connect.

Assistance and support

Please note that the VPN Light is unsupported by the IT Office and that Helpdesk is not able to help installing the application on private/personal computers. 

For more information and support, contact your local IT:

Fix-IT departments: fixit@ki.se
MEB: it-support@meb.ki.se
DentMed: it@dentmed.ki.se
KEP: kep-it@meds.ki.se

Which systems require a remote VPN?

It is far from all systems and services that require VPN. The IT Office is actively working to ensure that these systems are as few as possible, and that you will be able to reach most of them through a regular KI login together with MFA (two-factor authentication).

Below is a current list of what requires VPN to be accessed remotely.

VPN needed
VPN neededYesNo
Microsoft TeamsNo
Skype for BusinessNo
Self Service (Mac)No
Ladok webNo
Primula webNo
Drupal, training environmentNo
UBW webNo*
File storage (G:, P:)Yes
Software Center (PC)Yes

* However, the features Forskarwebben and Avtalsreskontra require remote connection via VPN.

Keep this in mind when working remotely

Only connect to the VPN when you need it. This ensures that the service is not overloaded and is available to anyone who needs to access KI resources. Most resources can be accessed without a VPN connection.

Get into the habit of disconnecting the KI-VPN when taking a break or joining a meeting.

Frequently asked questions

I belong to an institution outside Coordinated IT, can I install FortiClient?

FortiClient is distributed only to Karyon clients (KI computers within Coordinated IT). For other computers, VPN Light is now available.

Can I use VPN Light on a lab computer?

Yes, you may use VPN Light on any computer.

Can I use KI-VPN/VPN Light on other devices, such as a personal tablet or computer?

At the moment the app is only available on PC/Mac.

Do I need VPN to access my saved files?

You don't need to use VPN to access OneDrive or Teams. However, you need VPN to reach central file servers like (G:) and (P:).

Above you will find a listing of which central systems currently require a VPN to be accessed remotely.


If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Helpdesk.

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • K1.Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery
Log in with KI-ID
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