Reimbursement of funding for internship for doctoral students

Doctoral students who have participated in the doctoral course "Career skills for scientists" have the opportunity to apply for an internship project at a company or organization outside KI. Here is information on how you as responsible staff at the department can request funding for this.

Reimbursement of funding for participation in the internship period through the program "Career skills for scientists" (course no 2463).

Doctoral students who participated in the doctoral course "Career skills for scientists" have the opportunity to apply for an internship project at a company or organization outside KI.
Career Service coordinates the applications and sends them to external partners.

The Committee for Doctoral Education has granted funding for doctoral internships since 2010, so a fixed sum can be reimbursed by KI Career Service to make up for the salary of the doctoral student during the internship.

How to apply for reimbursement

In order to request this fixed sum, responsible personnel at the department (economy / HR responsible) fills out the requisition form. For those doctoral students who do internships, we reimburse the department with a standard amount corresponding to a monthly salary (including LKP and INDI). The size of the standard amount is linked to the KID-amount and is SEK 60,000 / doctoral student in 2023.

The requisition form is sent via e-mail to



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