Payment of Consolidator grant

As of 2019, the Faculty Board has announced a Consolidator grant. After completion of the assessment process and a decision on allocation has been made by the Committee for Research, it is possible for a department to request funding from the university administration if one of the allocated persons is employed at the department.

Since 2019, the Faculty Board has announced Consolidator grants in medical science for already employed researchers at one of Karolinska Institutet's departments. Applicants who are offered a Consolidator grant after the assessment process are expected to have a dialogue about how the Consolidator grant is to be used with the home department, after which the funds can be requisitioned.

The receiving department is allocated a framework amount of up to SEK 1,200,000 per year for a maximum of five years.

Terms for payment of funds

In December 2019, it was decided on new terms for payment of funds from the Faculty Board and they apply to employment as Assistant professor and Researcher as well as the Consolidator grant for those who have been awarded funds from 2019. The terms has been updated in connection to the call during 2024. To read the terms in full, visit the Terms of Payment page.

In short, the conditions for Consolidator grants include the following:

  • Consolidator grants are paid in relation to the scope of employment at Karolinska Institutet. The payment of the grant will stop in the event that the employment at Karolinska Institutet ends.
  • Persons who have received a Consolidator grant must use these funds for salary costs for their own salary to at least 50 percent. Up to 50 percent of the Consolidator grant may be used for research-related costs. The Consolidator grant may not be used for scholarships.
  • A person can only receive and receive salary funds for one employment financed by faculty funds. In the event that a person who has already received salary funds through a previous call is also awarded with a Consolidator grant, only up to 50 percent of the Consolidator grant can be requisitioned and may then be used for research-related costs. Contact the responsible administrator to calculate funds prior to requisition if there is an ongoing payment of faculty funds from a previous announcement from the Board of research/Faculty board.
  • The Consolidator grant must be requisitioned no later than twelve months after the Faculty Board's decision on allocation and may be used for one year after the end of the payment period. Exceptions may be granted if there are special reasons (such as parental leave or illness).
  • The department shall inform the responsible administrator at the University Administration if there are any changes regarding the employment of a person who has received funding.
  • It is the department's responsibility to repay any unused funds after the end of the disposition period.


Appendices to the requisition form

In order for a payment to be granted, an employment certificate/agreement should be attached to the form, which must be valid for the entire period to which the payment relates.


After the first requisition has been received, the remaining months are paid out to the department via the resource allocation.

For all requisitions received by the University Administration during the period the end of November - 30 June, a full-year amount is paid (certain exceptions may exist).

For all requisitions received during the period 1 July - the end of November, no payment is normally made this year, instead payment is made via the resource allocation during the next calendar year.

How to fill in the form

The form is only available in Swedish, but below is a translation of what is expected.

The upper part of the form is to be filled in by the department.

Department / Other KI organization: The department where the employment is located is stated here.

Funds are requested for: The name of the person who has been allocated funds is stated here.

Indicate the distribution of salary / project funds: Here it is specified how the funds are planned to be used. Note that at least 50 percent must be used for salary.

Project number: Here it is stated which project (s) the funds are to be paid to. Note that the project's business code must be 212.

Verification text: The receiving department, name of applicant and the type of funds in question are written here (eg C1, Lisa Nilsson, Consolidator grant).

Department's reference: The name of the responsible contact person at the department is stated here.

The form, including the appendix, is sent via e-mail in Word format to the responsible administrator at the University Administration, who fills in the lower part of the form and forwards the documents to the Finance Department at the University Administration for payment.

The department is to be informed when the requisition has been handled.

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