Meetings for Collaboration at Public authority level

Collaboration at Public authority level is led by the university director and administered by the HR department. The trade union presidents of Saco-S, OFR/S, P, O and Seko appoint who of their members will represent their trade union in collaboration at Public authority level.

Collaboration at Public authority level will be carried out digitally on the following occasions in Spring of 2024:

January 24 at 10.15-11.15 a.m.

February 13 at 14-15

February 27 at 13-14

April 9 at 13-14

May 5 at 13-14

June 4 at 13-14


If you want to register an item, email You will have to attach document or documents for the unions to receive to read before the meeting. The document should provide the necessary information to ensure that most of the time during the meeting can be devoted to questions and discussion. Please register your item well in advance but you need to register your item and send in your documents at least 6 working days before the meeting. 


As a participant, you will receive an Outlook invitation to the entire meeting but are only expected to participate during your slot and we will agree on a time that will be visible in the meeting booking one week prior to the meeting. The meeting takes place digitally in Teams and you need to log in to the meeting 5 minutes before your errand. You will enter a lobby function until we are ready for your errand. 


At the meeting itself, you will have time for a short presentation of about 2 minutes where you share any power-point pictures or similar and the rest of the time is for questions and discussion. It is important to keep in mind that collaboration should take place well in advance of the decision to obtain thoughts and views from the unions. An issue should therefore not be ready for decision before it is discussed.

Contact person

Profile image

Jenny Wärnlund

Professional Services