
Ergonomics is about the interaction between people, tasks and the surrounding environment. Being able to influence the physical and organisational design of the work based on individual needs and conditions is an important part of a good working environment. On this page you will find brief information on responsibilities and roles, as well as tools for assessment and action on load and synergy ergonomics.

Promote ergonomics 

Managers at the KI must order ergonomic reviews by the occupational health ergonomists as part of the systematic and regular work environment management, especially when there is a need for individually adapted measures and support, but also when there are major changes in the physical work environment.  

The service "Ergonomics training and review (group)" can be ordered by managers on common funds and includes a review of work ergonomics as well as lifestyle and health. 

Orders for ergonomics briefings for individuals are paid for from local funds and must be approved by the line manager. 

Work equipment and tools 

When purchasing ergonomically adapted furniture, furnishings and IT products such as keyboards, mice and laptop stands, contact with the occupational health ergonomists is recommended.   

When purchasing furniture and furnishings, suppliers from the Kammarkollegiet framework agreement for offices and furnishings should be used. For help and support in ordering, please contact KI Purchase and Procurement Unit. 

All IT-related purchases must be made in Wisum. There you will also find a selection of ergonomically designed IT products.

If you would like to try out a work chair within UF, please contact Helena Thomasson at the Administrative support.

Responsibility of the employer

The employer's responsibility is formal and includes:

  • as far as possible and practicable, arranging and designing work and workplaces in such a way that favourable working postures and movements are obtained, 
  • ensuring that employees have the opportunity to influence the organisation and performance of their own work so as to achieve sufficient variety of movement and recovery, 
  • ensure that the employee has sufficient knowledge and work techniques to be able to carry out the work in a way that is good for the body and follow the rules in the general regulation on stress ergonomics 2012:2

Responsibility of the employee

The worker's responsibility is informal but involves:

  • actively participate in the work environment and in the implementation of measures
  • following instructions and regulations as necessary to reduce the risk of accidents or ill health
  • reporting to the responsible manager or safety representative if the work involves tasks that are hazardous to health or unnecessarily tiring

Vision ergonomics

According to the regulation AFS 1998:5 Work with display screen, the employee has the right to undergo an eye examination to determine whether he or she needs special work glasses. Both the examination and any purchase of special working glasses must be approved and paid for by the immediate superior. 

Working glasses

KI main supplier Synsam AB

From 04/03/2023 to 04/03/2027, KI has Synsam AB as the new main supplier for work glasses at KI, according to framework agreement 23.3-6372-2022-001 (See the Agreement Catalogue). This means that Synsam must be used as the first choice for eye examinations, testing and purchasing terminals and safety glasses.

When booking an eye examination, Synsam's requisition form must be used. The form must be signed by the immediate manager/equivalent and taken with you during the visit. You will find everything about work glasses on Synsam's website:

More information about the contract and current price lists can be found in the Contract catalog 

The Optometry program at Karolinska Institutet 

Employees also have the option of attending the Karolinska Institutet Optometry program. When visiting the Optometry program, the KI Optometry Program requesition form must be used. Please note that the range of frames is somewhat limited and that examinations and fittings are carried out by students under supervision within the Optometry program. 

Appointments are made online at: Our address is Egueniavägen 12, 1 flight upstairs, 171 64 Solna. Phone: 08-524 82 522. 

Requisition form - KI Optometry Program

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • C7.Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
Log in with KI-ID