Your onboarding at KI

As a new employee or co-worker, we want to give you a thorough individualized introduction of the organization. The purpose is to get you to know the organization, your workplace and of course your colleagues.

Step 1: Digital onboarding 

Once you have signed your certificate of employment, you will receive a digital welcome message sent to your private email. It contains a greeting from the President of KI and your Head of Department. You will also be introduced to some of your future colleagues and receive information about where you can find out more about your new workplace.

During your first week at KI, you will receive a digital onboarding package sent to your work email. The purpose is for you to get to know Karolinska Institutet and find out what we are doing to create a pleasant workplace.

Step 2: Introduction to your department

The next step is an in-depth onboarding at your department. Here you will find out more about your department and, above all, get to know your new colleagues and managers. For more information, scroll to the end of the page to find your department. 

Step 3: KI´s webpage

KI offers support service for international researchers and doctoral students. Here, you can find all kinds of necessary information about your stay in Sweden and at KI

Step 4: Web courses

To help you to get to know KI, we have also developed web courses. As different tasks and departments at KI require different skills, it is good that you and your immediate manager agree on which courses you should attend. You can complete the online training when it suits you.

Links to webinars will be updated regularly.

More information for logged in staff

There is more information for those of you working in the following groups

  • C8.Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • H9.Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
  • K8.Department of Clinical Neuroscience
  • K9.Department of Global Public Health
Log in with KI-ID
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