About Gendered Innovation Alliance - Gender dimension for better Health
KI CLINTEC - department of Renal Medicine and DevReg are a part of ACT on gender - collectives of representatives of research and innovation institutions across Europe with a shared domain of interest in advancing the implementation of the European Research Area gender goals.

Vision: We imagine a future where sex, gender & diversity, especially in the research content, are the "new normal".
Mission: Increased Gender Sensitivity in Research
How will we make it possible?
The framework will provide an infrastructure for robust and effective dissemination of sex, gender (diversity) and diversity methods & tools to a scientific community and other target groups. We are aiming to promote scientific excellence and innovation by organising training activities, workshops and scientific meetings, including innovation hubs and sharing best practices.
By participating in ACT on gender, GIA collaborates with research and innovation (R&I) institutions across Europe.
Since sex, gender (diversity) and diversity interconnects all areas of medical preclinical and clinical research, KI Gendered Innovation Alliance is uniquely set to collaborate broadly across disciplines in strategic partnerships together with industry, health care providers and patient organizations.

Our approach is interdisciplinary and based on 5 pillars (5 Is) towards innovative thinking:
1. Infrastructure & resources: to distribute knowledge and general capacity building to ensure the alliance’s sustainability for continuous support of strategic/selected areas of research, education and science communication. Together with sex, gender & diversity inclusion we will also disseminate transferrable skills for creativity and complex problem solving such as Design Thinking, Science Communication, Systems Thinking and Future Thinking. Our aim is to empower students and researchers to have the choice to become active agents, game changers and entrepreneurs prepared for the future.
3. Innovation: to stimulate purpose-driven innovative methods, discoveries, treatments in science and medicine. How? By creating connections between academia & the industry and other sectors to increase the societal impact of research and better serve the community.
2. Integration: to endorse the integration of sex/gender/diversity analysis in medical science and health care. How? By identifying and improving structural barriers and changing attitudes within our research and educational systems and via active promotion of implementation of gender dimension in the research content and educational activities.
4. Impact: to ensure that new research outcomes using the gender and diversity dimension have measurable and tangible impact on policies, products, services and systems that improve health to everybody.
5. Internationalisation: to think globally but act locally according to Karolinska Institutet’s strategy for Integration of international perspectives.