Bites of Learning - webinars in pedagogy
Bites of Learning is a series of lunchtime webinars where you can informally discuss different learning methods and research in education and its applications.
Upcoming webinars
Bites of Learning will be back in 2025. Thank you to all participants, guests, and presenters for this semester!
You will find information about the upcoming Bites of Learning webinars here.
You can also view upcoming Bites of Learning webinars in KI's calendar, via Courses and webinars in teaching and learning.
Latest webinar recordning
Did you miss the latest webinar?
No worries! You can catch up by watching the recording on KI Play. Please note that only the presentation part is recorded; the post-presentation discussion with the participants is not included.
What is Bites of Learning?
The Unit for Teaching and Learning (TL) invites you to a series of webinars aimed at educators. Within this series, we bring together presentations and discussions on a range of educational topics ranging from theoretical to practical tips and tricks.
- A regular forum that promotes pedagogical discussions and gives participants an opportunity to ask questions and share challenges around different themes.
- An opportunity for KI pedagogical staff to share their experiences and knowledge and take inspiration from literature, research and external perspectives.
- To give participants the opportunity to network and build professional relationships.
Webinar set-up
Each session has a topical theme and is organised around a short presentation followed by a discussion. The discussion can take different forms, such as a panel debate, dialogue among the participants, and reflection on the application in the participants own context.
Do you want to contribute?
Would you like to host a Bites of Learning session to share your ideas, thoughts or results? Please contact us by sending an email to