“Hur man äter elefanten i små bitar - ett samtal om kursutveckling” (Breaking the elephant into small bites: a conversation on course development)

Creating a student-centred and active learning experience can feel daunting. Where should you begin? This webinar, held on 2024-11-21, breaks down the process with insights, strategies, and practical advice for course development. Welcome to explore this resource: the recording and key takeaways on how collaboration and innovation can transform your teaching practice.

Target group: who is this for?

This resource is designed for:

  • Medical educators: Teachers and course developers looking to enhance student-centered and active learning in their curriculum.
  • Academic leaders: Program directors or educational developers driving collaborative course redesign.
  • Teaching teams: Educators working together to implement innovative strategies, such as team-based learning and constructive alignment.
  • Anyone interested in course design: Whether you're a novice or experienced, this webinar offers actionable insights.

Key highlights

  • Key discussion points: included fostering student-centered and active learning, illustrated with examples from a redesigned medical course.
  • Format: The webinar includes a recorded presentation (in Swedish) and unrecorded discussions with the audience.

By sharing our experience, we're not just teaching—we're empowering future generations.

Comment from the audience.

Watch the webinar: “Hur man äter elefanten i små bitar - ett samtal om kursutveckling” (How to eat the elephant in small bites: a conversation on course development)

Top 6 takeaways

  1. Start with constructive alignment: Align learning objectives, teaching methods, and assessments to create transformative experiences.
  2. Embrace team-based learning: Enhance student engagement with collaborative activities that foster active learning.
  3. Standardize evaluation: Use consistent assessment practices across different sites to ensure fairness and transparency.
  4. Collaboration is key: Work closely with colleagues to innovate and share responsibility in course development.
  5. Make it fun: Course development is a creative process—enjoy the journey and learn from your team.
  6. Strategic course redesign: more than just content.
    • The planning steps to redesign the course were outlined, with a focus on thoughtful, step-by-step strategies for transformation.
    • Cutting-edge approaches to curriculum development were explored, emphasizing the importance of innovation in teaching methodologies and course structure to meet modern educational needs.

Reflections and insights

  • Collaboration: Diverse perspectives are key to successful redesign. Build a supportive team that fosters growth and creativity.
  • Constructive alignment: When learning objectives, teaching methods, and assessments align perfectly, the result is a transformative learning experience for students.
  • Enjoy the process: Course development is as much about enjoying the process as it is about the results. Make time for creativity and teamwork.

Make sure you have fun while you're developing

Lotta Herling


The experienced instructors and course leads for the Reproduction course (Obstetrics and Gynecology) — Hedvig Engberg, Lotta Herling, and Anna Möller at KI — discussing strategies for initiating and implementing successful course improvements.

Hedvig Engberg

MD, Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Part-time responsible for the Course in Reproduction KBH, Solna.

Lotta Herling

Docent, Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Part time responsible for the Course in Reproduction CLINTEC, Huddinge.

Anna Möller

MD, Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Part-time responsible for the Course in Reproduction KI SÖS.


Helén Lönnberg

Educational developer, with a background in clinical supervision, Karolinska Institutet, Unit for Teaching and Learning (UoL)

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