Call for applications for interdisciplinary collaboration in education and research 2025 - 2026

Stockholm Trio is pleased to announce calls for funding for 2025 - 2026 within interdisciplinary collaboration in education and research. The aim of the funding is to support collaborations. This funding is open to all areas, and we encourage applicants from any discipline to submit proposals.


The call is funded by Stockholm Trio for Sustainable Actions, an initiative by the University Alliance Stockholm Trio, which comprises Karolinska Institutet, KTH, and Stockholm University. By leveraging the combined academic strengths of the three universities, the Stockholm Trio for Sustainable Action initiative addresses complex sustainability challenges through inter- and transdisciplinary research, education, and networks.

The present call

To be considered for funding the application should include educational and/or research activities from all three universities and address the global sustainable development goals in the UN agenda 2030.

A proposal must include one lead Principle Investigator (PI) and two co-PI:s, the three being from KI, KTH and SU, respectively.

Researchers and teachers from all disciplines and at all levels are welcome to apply. We encourage applications that include humanities and social sciences (HSS).

Applicants do not need to have a permanent position with one of the three universities, but they must have an existing contract at the time of application, and that contract must cover the full period of the grant until 2026.

The funding cannot be used for instruments, organization of conferences or symposia.

The total available funding for 2025-2026 corresponds to a maximum of 1.500.000 SEK with each individual grant corresponding to 200.000 – 500.000 SEK. 

The call opens at May 22, 2024 and closes at 14.00 on 30 September, 2024.

Decisions about funding will be made by the STSA steering group in November 2024. 

The application should include:

Name and affiliation for the responsible person at each of the three universities
Title of the project
Project plan (Maximum 4 A4 pages Times new roman, 12. Equals 4000 signs) should include the following headings:

  • Project scope(s) and goal(s)
  • Activities
  • Role(s) of each participating group
  • Previous collaboration between the PI:s if applicable
  • Added value of the requested funding
  • How one or several of the 17 sustainable development goals is addressed.
  • Plan for dissemination of results
  • Motivation for the suggested budget
  • References

Budget for the requested funding
Signature from the head of department, or other level if applicable, of the PI to confirm support for the PI.

Apply here

Applications are made via PRISMA, deadline 30 September 2024 at 14.00.


Evaluation of applications will be based on:

  • The PI team from the three universities
  • Relevance and quality of the proposed project
  • Interdisciplinary approach of the proposed project
  • How one or several of the 17 sustainable development goals is addressed.
  • The strength of the team in relation to the proposed project
  • The feasibility of the project
  • Gender balance of the PI team
  • Budgetary considerations

Reporting after project completion

All awardees must, as a condition of receiving an award under this call, complete a financial and project report in the beginning of 2027.


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Karin Dahlman-Wright

For questions about the call
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Charlotte Svanberg

For questions about the application form in Prisma