Applying for doctoral courses

In the beginning of 2024, we introduced a new system, Fubas, for doctoral courses at Karolinska Institutet (KI). Applications for courses are made directly in the course catalogue and without creating an applicant profile. On this page, we have collected information about the application to doctoral courses. For those of you who have applied for our courses before, there are some changes that are good to know.

Course catalogue

Karolinska Institutet has one course catalogue per semester, with an application period during approximately three weeks. Application is made for the next semester. For application dates relevant for the next course catalogue, see Course catalogue and vacancies

A course occasion is open for application when it has a blue button labelled "Apply." The application deadline is indicated on the button:

Apply button
Apply button Photo: N/A

Click on the plus sign to view information about the course occasion in question.

The course syllabus is available in PDF format next to the catalogue text.


About login and application

  • If you have a KI account, you must always use that for the application. This will help the course provider to prioritise correctly in the selection process. You also ensure that the correct e-mail address is given in the application. Other applicants shall choose the option Apply without KI account
  • Each course application is unique; you submit one application per course without creating a profile in the system. 
  • Eligible for doctoral courses at KI are applicants who are doctoral students (at KI or another higher education institution) or have obtained a PhD. If you have an ongoing application to doctoral education and are expecting a decision before course admission has been carried out, you can apply under the category of "other applicants." The course provider will assess each applicant as eligible or ineligible during the admission process. 

To complete the application 

  • In the application form, you must specify the applicant category you belong to. Only choose one of the given alternatives and use the exact wording. If you need to provide comments, do so in the written motivation for the applied course. 
  • Providing a written motivation for the applied course is always mandatory, so a good idea is to prepare this before applying. 
  • As a KI postdoc, you need to attach to your application a certificate proving that you have a postdoc position at KI or Region Stockholm at the time of the course. Prepare this before applying.
  • As an external applicant (i.e., without a KI ID), a copy of your passport (or other ID document) is mandatory, so prepare this before applying
  • The application must be complete when you submit it, since you will not have access to your application to make changes/additions after submission. (If something must be changed, please contact the contact person for the course). 

After submitting the application

  • After submitting your application, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you provided (your KI email if you applied with your KI ID). Save the confirmation email to keep track of the courses you applied for.
  • When you receive an admission offer, you have seven (7) days to accept it, after which your place will be passed on to the next person on the reserve list. Check your email regularly. If you are no longer interested in the course place, you should actively decline the offer, so that the course place can be offered to someone else immediately.
  • When accepting an admission offer, you must certify that the course is part of your individual study plan (if you are a doctoral student) and that your supervisor (for applicants holding a PhD: your PI/superior) is informed of the cancellation terms. Prepare by informing them in advance so that you can accept an admission offer promptly. See below under Course participant’s confirmation

Selection and admission 

Selection and admission are done by each course provider after the application period ends. The timing may vary slightly, but all course providers are encouraged to start the admission process as soon as possible. The course provider begins by assessing each applicant as eligible/ineligible. 

The selection and ranking of eligible applicants are based on KI's general selection criteria (i.e., categories of applicants) and then the course's specific selection criteria as stated in the course catalogue. The course provider ranks the applicants in the system, which then automatically manages the admission of reserves.

Admission notification and acceptance of course place 

Admission notifications are sent via email from the system ( to the email address you have provided in the application. 

There are three different admission notifications:

  1. Admitted 
    Admission notification offering a course place must be responded to within the response time, via a personal link, to retain the offered place (alternatively, decline to leave it for another applicant). If you do not respond in time or if you choose to decline, the place will be offered to the next applicant in line.
  2. Reserve 
    Admission notification regarding reserve placement is sent to all eligible applicants who could not be offered a course place in the first admission round. Your queue position is stated in the email. No response is required. A new decision will be sent if you are later offered a place.
  3. Ineligible
    Ineligible applicants, i.e., applicants who are neither doctoral students, nor have obtained a PhD at the time of admission, will receive an admission decision stating that they have been deemed ineligible (see Eligibility and selection). Ineligible applicants cannot be offered a place.

When accepting an offered course place, you must certify that the course is part of your individual study plan (if you are a doctoral student) and that your supervisor (for those with a PhD: your PI/superior) is informed of the cancellation terms. No signature from the supervisor (or PI/superior) is required.

Course participant’s confirmation

In order to accept the offered course place, you must certify that your supervisor (for applicants holding a PhD: your PI/superior) is informed about the course applied for and of the cancellation terms. No supervisor (or PI/superior) signature is required. The certificate looks like this:

Course participant’s confirmation before accepting an admission offer

If you are a doctoral student

By accepting the offered course place, you certify that your supervisor is informed of the cancellation terms and that you approve these as below.

If you are a postdoc/other applicant holding a PhD degree

By accepting the offered course place, you certify that your research group leader (PI) is informed about the cancellation terms and that you approve these as below (in italics).

If you are unable to participate in the course this must be notified to the contact person of the course no later than 30 days before the course start. Later cancellation, absence, or withdrawal (including not completed examination) without a valid reason may result in an administrative fee (up to 3 000 SEK) for the supervisor/ PI/manager. A valid reason for absence is the same as applies to employment (sickness, care of a sick child, etc.)

To proceed and accept the course place, you must first certify the following:

¤ I have read and accept the cancellation terms

¤ I understand that my supervisor (for applicants holding a PhD: PI/superior) may be charged an administrative fee if I withdraw late, fail to attend or drop out of the course.

¤ I have informed my supervisor (PI/superior) about the requested course and about the cancellation terms

Registration in Ladok

Via Ladok's student interface, you register for the course before the course starts. The registration period is open from two weeks before the start of the course until the last day of the course.

Withdrawal of application or cancellation of course place

If you have applied for a course but want to withdraw your application before an offer of admission has been sent, you must contact the course's contact person. By withdrawing the application, you speed up possible reserve admission for the course. 

If you have accepted a course place and have to cancel your participation, this must be done as soon as possible via Ladok's student interface and to the course's contact person. 

Keep in mind that cancellations later than 30 days before the start of the course are considered as late withdrawals and may result in your supervisor being charged an administrative fee. Exceptions are made for absence with a valid reason (certificate may be requested). Absence from a course is equated with dropping out.

Please note: Doctoral courses are free of charge. Empty course places due to late withdrawals cause problems for the course provider, both in terms of course planning and administration as well as loss of funding. If the number of participants is too low, the course may be cancelled at short notice, which affects other applicants.

Support for the course catalogue

If you have questions about the course you are applying for, you should contact the course's contact person. You can find the information in the course catalogue.

If you have technical problems with your application, contact Fubas user support: 

For general questions about the course catalogue and applying for doctoral courses, contact: