Courses and activities with the BIGH programme

The BIGH programme consists on courses, workshops, seminars, and student driven activities. Students can start with level 2 courses, and then deepen their knowledge with level 3-4 courses and activities.


See the table for an overview of our courses and when they will be given. 

Overview of our couses within the BIGH programme

Overview of our couses within the BIGH programme
Course number Title of the course in KIWAS Spring 2024 Autumn 2024 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026
3032 Mixed methods: integration of qualitative and quantitative data within applied health research X X X
2674 Practical approaches to qualitative research in global health - based on blended learning X X X
3069 Global sexual and reproductive health: concepts, challanges and state of the art X X
3196   Global Health Economics X X X
3185  Core Concepts in Global Health and Global Burden of Disease X X
2972 Basic pharmacoepidemiology in a global context X
2917 Pragmatic randomized controlled trials  X
1846 Improving Drug Use, especially antibiotics X X
5571 Research Management for Quality Data Collection X X
5237 Human Viral Diseases: Mechanisms and Pathogenesis X X
4215 Clinical and Molecular Bacteriology X X
5234 Clinical and Molecular Parasitology and Mycology X X
3030 Human Papilloma Virus - from molecular biology to global health - an eLearning course. X
2522 Mass spectrometry-based proteomics: When and How.   X X X
3102 Omics data analysis: From quantitative data to biological information X X X
3136 Biomimetic Systems - Modelling Human Physiology in Infection Biology X X
2861  Biomedical Ecology - The microbiota in health and disease X
2444 Cell and Gene Therapy X

Find the syllabus to each course in the KIWAS course catalogue.

Application and admission

Apply to our courses via Karolinska Institutets's KIWAS. The available courses are announced once per semester and the catalogue for courses is published around April 15 and October 15. Application is open during one month.

KI's courses are open for registered doctoral students at all universities and colleges. If space allows, other applicants may also be accepted.

Formal note about admission is emailed to the applicants within a month after the application time is closed. If you are not admitted, you will be asked for interest to be on the waiting list. You need to confirm participation by a form signed by you and your supervisor.

Late application

After the application period is closed the applicant can only be admitted according to availability. A late application is made directly to the course organizer.

Do you want to sign up for the Doctoral programme in Biology of infections and global health (BIGH)?

As a doctoral student at Karolinska Institutet you can sign up for one or more doctoral programme and to receive information on the courses and activities that are arranged.

Contact coordinator Benedict Chambers to express interest in our programme and be added to our mailing list the programme's courses and activities.

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