
IndiCell's goal is to establish and consolidate a sustainable, collaborative, world-leading innovation milieu based on Individual cell therapy. IndiCell will develop state-of-the-art processes utilizing our own world-leading projects as examples. These procedures and IndiCell's expertise will reduce costs, labor, time, and regulatory hurdles for future iPSC treatment studies in Sweden, reducing the innovation barrier.

IndiCell Photo: n/a

Three main aims of IndiCell:

  1. Develop iPS cell-based therapy for two model project, Parkinson’s disease and Macular degeneration
  2. Create a development pipeline for iPS cell therapies that includes state-of-the-art workflows addressing generic processes, competence, and quality controls
  3. Become an important global actor within stem cell therapies

IndiCell - Individualized pluripotent stem cell-based therapy


Lund University

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