The Doctoral Programme in Tumour Biology and Oncology (FoTO)
Welcome to the PhD-training programme in Tumour biology and Oncology. We organize a training programme in Tumour Biology and Oncology offering annual training courses in basic tumour biology ("from molecule to patient"), new technologies and advanced focus courses on single cancer types. The programme provides a fertile study-environment including annual student retreats. It has a translational profile attracting both pre-clinical and clinical students.
Seminars and other educational activities
Upcoming events at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)
Upcoming events at the Department of Oncology-Pathology

NatiOn - National Research School in Clinical and Translational Cancer Research
Karolinska Institutet and Uppsala University are offering a three-year national research school (NatiOn) in Clinical and Translatioanal Cancer Research, starting in April 2022. Tha aim of the programme is to offer a tailored package of courses as a knowledge-base for future clinical researchers in the cancer field.

Cancer research at KI
Cancer Research KI is an overarching umbrella organisation and single point of entry to cancer research at Karolinska Institutet, that includes some 350 research groups. The aim is to combine cancer research with clinical oncology by bringing together top level cancer scientists from different disciplines, with the overall goal to generate new scientific discoveries that can be rapidly translated into clinical practice for the benefit of patients and society.