Courses and educational activities - Doctoral Programme in Tumour Biology and Oncology (FoTO)

FoTO offers a number of courses divided into basic and more advanced courses. Several of the basic courses are only held once a year. The advanced courses will be held at least once during the next four-year period, so please apply early and check this website for details!

Courses within the programme



Please note that the interval of course occasions varies from 1-4 years. You will find the updates on this page.

Courses within the Master's programme in Biomedicine

The FoTO-programme is organizing a six-week course block every autumn term for master students in biomedicine who have chosen the “tumour biology” track for their second year of deepening studies. Five 1–2-week courses are offered addressing basic aspects of tumour biology, using PhD-training courses, which are also offered to PhD-students.

The purpose is that after the course block the students should:

  • have an overview of the cancer problem, the modern view what cancer is, from a basic and clinical point of view
  • understand the basic foundations of cancer biology as well as have acquired some ability to discuss and understand advanced problems in cancer biology
  • have an insight into the most important problems to solve in cancer, to improve diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and quality of life
  • be able to understand, analyse and criticize current strategies towards exploiting the available information on cell cycle regulation, tumour suppressors and oncogenes for the development of novel therapeutics
  • demonstrate insight into known, inherited cancer syndromes, what genes are involved, how they were found, what is known on mechanisms for carcinogenesis, what is the current clinical state of the art for these syndromes concerning, genetic testing, counselling and prevention programmes or available therapy for affected individuals

Master's Programme in Biomedicine

Other educational activities

FoTO students are encouraged and expected to participate in at least one of these events once over the four-year period of their PhD training:

  • The Cancer Research KI (CRKI) Retreat (held every Autumn)
  • EACR Summer School in Translational Research (held every October)
  • The International PhD Student Cancer Conference (held every summer)
  • DKFZ PhD Student Retreat (held every summer)

Activities organized during previous years


The International PhD Student Cancer Conference (IPSCC) Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany June 12-14, 2024

IMTAC & Cancer Research KI Summer School in Cancer Immunotherapy Autumn 2024

Cancer Research KI (CRKI) yearly retreat Sept 23-24, 2024

Cancer Core Europe Summer School in Translational Cancer Research October, 2024


Swedish Cancer meeting, May 16-17, 2023, Aula Medica, Karolinska Institutet

16th International PhD Student Cancer Conference (IPSCC), July 5-7, 2023, Cambridge, UK

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) annual PhD retreat, July 2023, Germany

IMTAC & Cancer Research KI Summer School in Cancer Immunotherapy, Aug 30-Sept 1, 2023

The XXth Cancer Research KI Retreat, September 25-26, 2023, Djurönäset

EACR Summer School in Translational Cancer Research, October 8-14 , 2023, Portugal


Frontiers in Cancer Research and Therapy
27-28 March, Karolinska University Hospital, Solna
Sune Bergströms aula, Bioclinicum, Solnavägen 30
Frontiers in cancer research and therapy

German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) annual PhD retreat
Retreat 1: 6-8 July 2020
Retreat 2: 8-10 July 2020
Contact: for application form and for more information

XIXth Cancer Research KI Retreat

May 23-24, Djurönäset, Sweden
Cancer Research KI Retreat | Karolinska Institutet

Summer School in Translational Cancer Research
7-11 October, Portugal
Read more about the EACR Summer School


At the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC) open seminars are given several days a week - many within the tumour biology and oncology field. MTC is located at KI Campus, Biomedicum, Solnavägen 9. The seminar room is on the 3rd floor (room B0313 or B0317) and requires no key card access.

The Department of Oncology-Pathology arranges Friday seminars at 12:30 at the CCK Lecture Hall, R8 ground floor.

Upcoming seminars and events

Upcoming events at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)

Upcoming events at the Department of Oncology-Pathology

Content reviewer:
Sara Lidman