Surveys targeting doctoral education
Besides the Exit Poll, an ongoing survey among doctoral students, other surveys targeting doctoral students have been done over the years. Below follows some examples.
Employee surveys
Evaluation of Research internship programme (forskar-AT) and Research residency programme (forskar-ST)
In 2021, an anonymous survey was sent out to those awarded forskar-AT or one of the “clinical career programmes” during the period 2006–2019. The “clinical career programmes” consist of four different financing programmes; the research residency programme (forskar-ST; for doctoral students), clinical post-doc, clinical researcher and higher clinical researcher.
Alumni surveys
A survey was conducted in 2018 of all doctoral graduates who defended their theses 2010 or 2014 at KI. The purpose was to evaluate their doctoral education and their entrance onto the labour market.
This was a follow-up of a previous survey conducted in 2011 which included doctoral graduates of 2003/4 or 2007/8 from KI and the medical faculties at Gothenburg, Linköping, Lund and Umeå universities.
Examination board survey
An anonymous survey of examination board members was conducted in 2013 on the quality of KI’s doctoral students and theses: