Toolkit: Blended Learning Design
This toolkit offers practical guidance in learning design, helping you to make intentional decisions about which aspects of your course are best suited for online versus face-to-face delivery.

Navigating the transition to online and/or blended learning environments can pose significant challenges, particularly for educators who have primarily relied on using Canvas to support campus-based teaching.
In blended learning, strategic decisions about teaching methods become paramount. We focus on practical steps, starting with defining learning design, blended and flipped learning and practical tips on how to design your course to support these delivery modes.
You will work on mapping your teaching materials for Canvas, concentrating on what makes for good course design in Canvas. We guide you through the fundamentals of video creation for your blended learning course, covering both the videos that cultivate your teaching presence and those that convey your expertise through micro-lectures on your subject matter.
Lastly, we look at how to harness technology to facilitate active learning in both synchronous and asynchronous sessions.
The toolkit
The toolkit consists of five content modules:
- How to design learning
- How to design blended learning
- How to map your course in Canvas
- How to create videos for your blended learning courses
- How to create active learning opportunities
You can either progress through the course sequentially, module by module, or immerse yourself in specific modules, allowing you to explore content at your own pace, when you have the time.
This toolkit is aimed primarily at educators working with course development, or anyone interested in designing teaching and learning at KI.
The course is open but if you register in Canvas cataloge you get a badge and also get access to more functions in the course.