Research network in medical education

This network is a community for researchers within medical education, to share ideas and learn from each other.

Decorative/genre image to illustrate teams.
Photo: Getty Images.

Research in medical education is conducted in many different groups and at many different departments at KI. This network is a community for all of us, so that we can share ideas and learn from each other. Within the network we organize regular seminars where we discuss our own current work as well as seminars with invited guests.

The network is open for all that conduct research in medical education that has an affiliation with KI, from novice PhD students to senior researchers.


Peer reviewed papers in international academic journals, from the research network in medical education at KI.

Researchers in the network

Special interest groups

Other special interest groups may evolve within the network. Please contact us with your ideas and suggestions for activities!

Events and other activities

An open book in a library
Photo: Gettyimages.

The network will take turn to host different events. Workshops and presentations with world leading professors and senior researchers in Medical Education, including Kevin Eva, Glenn Regehr, Lara Varpio, Brian Hodges, Jennifer Cleland, Mathieu Albert, Mette Krogh Christensen, Jerome Rotgans, Stefano Sandrone and others.

There will also be opportunities for individual meetings with research visitors, PechaKucha style presentations to learn more about each other’s work, networking at various conferences, and coordination of research interest to collaborate on research applications. 

All network members are welcomed to initiate activities and an important purpose of the network is to share information about upcoming events and visitors, to strengthen our field of research. 

Most activities take place either at Campus Flemingsberg or Solna, some are online. Many of our activities are also open for external participants in the field.


The network is coordinated by Terese Stenfors and administrative support provided by Unit for Teaching and learning.

KIPRIME Fellows Initiative medal with Gunnar Höglund and Anna-Stina Malmborg, the foundation's founder.
KIPRIME Fellows Initiative.

Applications welcome to KIPRIME Fellows 2025

The application process for the fourth KIPRIME Fellows Initiative is now open for participants from Karolinska Institutet and other Swedish universities. Please submit your application by February 16th, to
See more information about the programme and how to apply here.