Programme - Education Congress 2024
During this year's Educational Congress 2-3 October we delve into the theme of "Exploring the Human Dimensions of Education." Through this lens, we aim to embrace the intricate interplay between humanity and education within the healthcare domain.
When: 2-3 October, 2024.
Where: KI Campus in Solna (Stockholm).
Who: The Educational Congress is a meeting place for you who are involved in or interested in educational issues, both on campus and in the healthcare sector.
The Educational Congress is organised by Teaching and Learning, on behalf of the Committee for Higher Education, and the Committee for Doctoral Education.
Keynote speakers
Gabrielle Finn
Associate Vice-President for Teaching, Learning and Students at University of Manchester. Her session will consider "The Human Touch: Integrating Humanities into Healthcare teaching and research".
KIPRIME winner 2024: Jennifer Cleland
We are proud to announce that Jennifer Cleland, this years' winner of the KIPRIME, will be one of the speakers at the congress.
KI praises Professor Jennifer Cleland's educational research
Art, humanities and health professions education
We offer two workshops with Lucy Glendinning and Jonas Nordquist: "Using drawings to activate our learners and to connect learning with previous knowledge and the subconscious" and "How to use visual arts in learning".
Programme 2 October
Berzelius väg 3.
Annika Östman Wernerson & Maria Watter
Winner of the KIPRIME 2024
13:00-16:15 Oral sessions (with coffe break)
Choose beteween the tracks below. The programme will be updated with premises.
Active Learning
- Fostering Professional Writing at the Study Programme in Speech and Language Pathology - Sofia Strömbergsson, Anna Eva Hallin
- Active student engagement in online doctoral education in the COVID-19 era: Challenges and opportunities - A qualitative study - Anna-Karin Welmer
- An exploration of students' use of digital resources for self study in anatomy: a survey study - Anna Pettersson
- Decoding DNA Dialogues: A Journey into Genetic Counselling Education - Katinka Tell
- Exploring Teacher Perceptions During Team-Based Learning Implementation in the Six-year Medical Programme - Henrika Florén, Juha Nieminen, Anna Kiessling
- Peer-to-peer-led learning sessions with NeoNatalieLive in a Tanzanian context - Eva Christina Furskog-Risa
- Enhancing patient learning: A holistic approach to pedagogy in nursing - Lena-Marie Petersson
Clinical education
- Clinical education ward - a ten year follow up on nursings students' experiences of learning - Katri Manninen
- Development of a sustainable pedagogical model to enhance nurses' ability to support patient learning - Lena
Engqvist Boman - Clinical supervisor’s perspectives of supervision in perioperative and intensive care - A pedagogical developing
project. - Carina Surell, Veronica Ramirez Johansson, Johanna Rydström, Karin Lindblad - Focus on threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge - a strategy to streamline medical student's
learning towards clinical and professional competence - Kristina Hagwall - Lost in Transition: From Medical Student to Clinical Supervisor. A Mixed-Methods Study. - Capucine Delorme
- (sv) Det extraordinära gör det vanliga synligt - sjuksköterskestudenters upplevelser av sitt lärande i klinisk praktik under COVID-19: en kvalitativ studie. - Carina Georg
- Education for sustainable development: exploring course syllabuses and educator perspectives within Swedish undergraduate physiotherapy programs. - Emma Swärdh
- ePlanet – a serious digital game aiming to connect dots for a healthier planet - Karin Leander
- Integrating the UN sustainability development goals in undergraduate biochemistry teaching - Manuel Zeitelhofer
- Empowering Educators: Integrating Sustainable Health in Healthcare Professionals’ - Karin Båge, Maria Niemi
- Towards a sustainable working life among patients and healthcare workers through early educational efforts - Karin Leander and Åsa Chaikiat-Ståhl
- Sustainable learning from bachelor’s thesis to professional nursing practice: a qualitative interview study - Ani Henttonen
- Innovative Teaching on how to Find Solutions for the Wicked Problems of Sustainable Health - Nina Viberg
Course design and curriculum
- Are we ready for patient involvement in education? – Current state of research and practice - Elias Schriwer
- Entrusted Professional Activities (EPA) in medical education at Karolinska Institutet: successful example of lumbar puncture EPA - Virginija Danylaite Karrenbauer
- Programmatic assessment of professionalism in medical students - Marie Dahlin
- (sv) Utforma två nya kurser baserade på föreskrifterna om Systematiskt Arbetsmiljöarbete. - Emma Brulin
- Skills4 Health Literacy – an Erasmus+ project promoting knowledge about health literacy and dementia - Camilla Malinowsky, Josefin Wångdahl, Emma Swärdh and Åsa Craftman
- Training empathic communication for undergraduate nursing students during their clinical placement – a pilot project at Theme Cancer, Karolinska University Hospital - Hanna Dubois
- Continuous assessment as a possible predictive tool in a constructively aligned Anatomy curriculum - Ivan Banovac
Human Aspects
- Becoming more than the bureaucrat of the body”. Incorporation and progression of medical humanities in a medical program in Sweden – A 15-year history of individual and institutional impact. - Alexander Tejera
- A bridge over troubled waters: An exploration of master students’ experiences with troublesome knowledge at Karolinska Institute - Hanna Jansson, Tara Faghani Hamadani
- Exploring University students' perception of research - Madelen Lek
- Leaving the lab/ward- entering the field of medical education research - Amrah Heikkinen Karin Landberg
- Meeting a societal need: Developing a new master's program in strategic work environment management. - Emma Brulin, Annika Lindahl Norberg, Jenny Selander
- Academia and industry co-production through Practical placement - an educational and value creation perspective - Susanne Von Holst
- (sv) Ett pedagogiskt råd för att underlätta studenters interprofessionella lärande. - Malin Einarsson, Johanna Stöckl, Ingrid Stavring
Technology AI
- Digitalizing nursing education amid Covid-19: technological breakdown through a reflexive and Postphenomenological lens - Anette Forss
- Co-designing digital scenario-based simulation for physiotherapy education: Explorative study of content and features to stimulate learning of clinical skills and reasoning - Ann Bylun
- The International Partner Programme (IPP): Appling a Collaborative Online International Learning framework to engage with Occupational Therapy students worldwide - Mandana Fallahpour
- Assessing Medical Student Assignments on Breast Cancer Treatment with ChatGPT: A feasibility study - Lisa Villabona
- It was a far cry from a welcome gift, really - Integration of basic science into virtual patient cases to enhance clinical reasoning skills - Karl Rombo
- (sv) Användning av ett telefonbaserat beslutsstödsystem inom vård i utbildningen – specialistsjuksköterskestudenters upplevelser - Susanna Sandelius, Lise-Lott Rydström
Faculty developement and scientific methodology
- Evaluation of a model for continuous pedagogical development - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning - Lena Engvist Boman
- Enhancing employee performance in public media tertiary institutions in Ghana: The organizational culture factor - Benedicta Senam Lartey
- “Knowing me, knowing you” – Strengthening Hospital - Monika Kvernenes
- “Is it really possible to learn?” A qualitative study on how undergraduate nursing students approach their learning about leadership - Ulrika Schüldt Håård
- Supporting the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: A New Approach to Pedagogical Development at Karolinska Institutet - Agnes Elmberger
- (sv) Utbildningsansvarig Capio Geriatrik - Anna-Maria Åkergården, Johanna Fredenstedt
- (sv) Hur implementerar man REPO vetenskapscafé i en akutorganisation - May-Lena Färnert
Venue: GSA Gallery, Hudiksvallsgatan 6.
13:00–14:30 Drawing
In this workshop, we'll integrate aspects of automatic drawing, albeit not in its purest form, along with the somatic experience of drawing through speed drawing techniques. We will delve into mark making and explore responsive drawing from the subconscious.
Facilitator: Lucy Glendinning, FRSS, a UK-based sculptor and installation artist, exhibiting extensive international over the past two decades. Her work is influenced and often derived from medical research, and she regularly works collaboratively with scientists.
14:45-16:15 Improve your skills to observe and interpret: Visual arts as a catalyst
In this workshop we will use contemporary art as a catalyst to improve your observation and interpretation skills. You will be invited to view and reflect on a number of paintings/photos in a gallery space, individually and in peer-groups. Through a three-step process you will expand your perception. The workshop is a demonstration of how the process of using visual arts in learning can work. The workshop will conclude with a conversation on the meta cognitive aspects included in using art in health professions education.
Facilitator: Jonas Nordquist, PhD. Jonas Nordquist is a senior researcher in medical education at Karolinska Institutet with separate degrees in art history and performing arts. He uses visual arts and dramatic arts extensively in his teaching.
16:30 Conference mingle
Let's meet in BZ, Berzelius väg 3.
Programme 3 October
Ewa Ehrenborg, Academic vice president.
Christina Larsdotter (Cesar), Berzelius väg 3.
Malin Sellberg.
Eleonora Leopordi
Jane Ege Möller
Led by Jonas Nordquist.
The theme
This year's congress "Exploring the Human Dimensions of Education" unfolds across three subthemes, each offering insights into the nature of education:
- Human dimensions: How do we capture the essence of human dimensions and values in education? recognizing both students and educators as complete entities with multifaceted needs.
- Relationship between technology and humanity: We investigate the dynamic relationship between technology and humanity in education and healthcare, seeking to identify the core values essential for maintaining human-centered approaches amidst technological advancements.
- Methodologies and approaches: We ponder upon the methodologies and approaches crucial for investigating and researching the development of education, unraveling the pathways toward educational innovation and growth. Join us in this exploration as we navigate the tapestry of human dimensions within the realm of medical education.