Teaching in English
At KI, whether you're new to or experienced in teaching in English, you can access research-based support to enhance your practice. Pedagogical guidance is crucial when transitioning to another language of education. You'll find invaluable assistance here to navigate English-Medium Education (EME), with dedicated resources and expertise ensuring a seamless transition and improved teaching quality.
What is English-Medium Education?
English-Medium Education in Multilingual University Settings (EMEMUS, hereafter referred to as EME) is a concept that has gained significant attention in academic literature. Dafouz and Smit (2020) emphasise the importance of understanding EME within multilingual university environments due to the dual role of English as both an academic language for instruction and a means of international communication. This perspective underscores the complexity and diversity of language use in higher education settings, where English serves as a bridge across different linguistic backgrounds (Baker & Fang, 2022).
This framework underscores the need to consider the explicit and implicit language practices within these settings to support teaching in English effectively, whereby:
- The intricate dynamics of language use, pedagogy, and intercultural communication in higher education are highlighted.
- Universities are recognised as multilingual spaces where various forms of bilingual or multilingual education can coexist.
- Innovative teaching methodologies are encouraged to cater for the linguistic diversity of students.
[Continuous Professional Development for teaching in English] needs to be viewed beyond English-only training and, that adopting a more international, multilingual and multicultural vision of teaching and learning is paramount in 21st century education. [In this way,] the university will ensure that the [Continuous Professional Development of teaching staff] is a truly transformative one in the long run.

Why teach in English?
Based on KI's recommendations for study programmes, here are five compelling reasons why incorporating English-Medium Education (EME) into your teaching practice is highly beneficial:
- Teaching in English enhances students' professional skills, granting them access to a global job market and facilitating success in a multicultural society.
- EME strengthens the integration of research and education, equipping students for potential careers in research and ensuring continuous access to new knowledge for lifelong learning.
- English serves as a common language for effective communication among students and educators from diverse cultural backgrounds, fostering inclusion and collaboration.
- Leveraging digitalisation, EME teaching allows for global connectivity, enabling interactions with experts and students from partner universities worldwide, enriching classroom discussions with diverse perspectives.
- Integrating English into teaching facilitates the inclusion of international students and international doctoral candidates, promoting internationalisation within the institution and creating valuable opportunities for internationalisation at home (IaH).
In summary, teaching in English not only enhances educational outcomes but also promotes global engagement and collaboration in academic settings.

How does teaching in English contribute to quality?
Teaching in English contributes significantly to the delivery of quality education across KI's educational, research, and outreach initiatives. By embracing linguistic diversity and promoting language awareness, teaching in English fosters an inclusive learning environment where students from various linguistic and cultural backgrounds backgrounds can thrive.
KI's Language policy underscores the importance of linguistic diversity, equal opportunities, and effective communication in developing the quality of KI's education, by focusing on four main pillars:
- Language Awareness: refers to having proficiency in multiple languages and recognising differences in individuals' language abilities.
- Parallel Language use: emphasises the simultaneous use of both Swedish and English without one dominating over the other, with an openness to linguistic diversity and inclusion.
- Equal Opportunities: KI aims to support inclusion, participation, and diversity by ensuring that language requirements are fair and transparent, accommodating both local and global students and employees.
- Global University: KI aspires to be an attractive and welcoming university both locally and globally, recognising linguistic inclusion as crucial for achieving this goal.
The interactions [in English] between people with diverse cultural and language backgrounds in educational settings yield novelty, open-mindedness and productive understanding, in turn leading to successful learning.
Related educational resources

Toolkit: Teaching in English
In this Canvas toolkit, you will be introduced to the pedagogical implications of teaching in English, through exploring strategies and activities to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in English at KI.
Related courses

Two2Tango, tandems for teaching in the glocal classroom
This course is intended for teachers who wish to develop their teaching skills and their intercultural awareness for teaching the international classroom in English.

Teaching in the glocal university
An introduction to the main issues surrounding teaching and learning at an international university.
The course will enable participants to reflect upon their current teaching practices, while gaining a better understanding of their students, their backgrounds and needs.