Hubs for scientific collaboration - Gendered Innovation Alliance

ACT on Gender

Gender Innovation Alliance | DevReg participates in ACT on Gender - research and innovation (R&I) institutions across Europe advancing the implementation of the European Research Area gender goals. Associated Professor Karolina Kublickiene is the PI from KI.

Joanneum Research

JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
POLICIES – Institut für Wirtschafts- und Innovationsforschung
Sensengasse 1, 1090 Wien, Austria

Tel.: +43 1 5817520-2818
Contact: Sybille Reidl

Matera Alliance

The Matera Resolution was drafted in April 2016 by an inaugural group of advocates to create a strategy and develop recommendations to improve the evidence base and applicability of drug trial results to women in real world settings. Recent research evidence and the various activities launched with different stakeholders, including regulatory and funding organizations, journal editors, government agencies, industry and patient sectors are discussed. For further inquiries, please contact: Karolina Kublickiene or visit Matera Alliance on FB

CIHR Institute of Gender and Health

The Institute of Gender and Health(IGH)'s mission is to foster research excellence regarding the influence of gender and sex on the health of women and men throughout life, and to apply these research findings to identify and address pressing health challenges. For further inquiries, please contact: Dr Cara Tannebaum

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