New user in Ladok - examiner and teacher

In order to work in Ladok, you, as a reporting teacher and examiner, must do a special user training and have a user account. The Ladok user account is based on having a KI ID or having a KI connection. After completing training and knowledge testing, you apply for eligibility in a web form.

All examiners must attend the e-learning, but it is up to each institution to decide which teachers should be authorized to report results. An education administrator can also record results instead of a teacher.

In Ladok, the results are reported directly in the system. An examiner can both report results and certify the grades in the system. If an administrator or teacher reports results, then they mark and announce to the examiner who can then certify the grades. Only examiners are allowed to certify grades.

Information about web training in Ladok and related links (In Swedish and English)

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