Ladok Education Planning Project

In 2024, we will introduce Ladok's education planning at KI. The education planning is to be used to manage undergraduate course and programme syllabi and offerings. Ladok's education planning replaces the education database Selma, which is used for this today. Here you find general information about the implementation project. In addition to this, targeted information will be provided to all those affected by the system change prior to the transition.

Purpose and goal of the project 

The purpose of the system change from the education database Selma to Ladok's education planning is:  

  • to contribute to increased resource efficiency at a sector level, as all higher education institutions that use Ladok can use the same support, instead of individual solutions 
  • to gather more of the educational administrative processes in Ladok and give our users fewer systems to work in  
  • to offer our users a more modern and customized interface to work in 
  • to modernize the technology and interface of our web presentation for the course and programme information
  • to get a more cohesive IT park to manage 

The goal of the project is to complete the system replacement so that all activities that are currently done in the education database Selma are done in Ladok's education planning from January 2025 instead.

On a general level this means that the project before this is to assure: 

  • access to the system for users  
  • development of work flows in Ladok's educational planning  
  • information and training of users  
  • migration of relevant course syllabi and programme syllabi from the education database Selma to Ladok's education planning  
  • preparation of support and management organization  
  • web presentation of course and programme information on    

You will find more detailed information in the project plan, which will be published on this page once it has been established.

Ladok Education Planning

Ladok's education planning is a newly developed part of Ladok that supports the administration of course and programme syllabi and offerings. 

Until now, Swedish higher education institutions have had their own local IT solutions to support these administrative processes. Since this is a general need shared by all higher education institutions, there has been a desire to develop a common digital solution to create cost-effectiveness and a more sustainable system support compared to today’s situation. Therefore, it was decided in 2020 that the Ladok consortium would develop a joint support for educational planning in Ladok, and it is this solution that we will now start using at KI. 

The basis for the functionality for the educational planning was developed by a project run by the Ladok consortium in 2021-2023. The project ended in the autumn of 2023 after one of the project's target universities, Stockholm University, started using Ladok's educational planning. After the end of the project, functionality continues to be developed within the consortium's regular development organization. 

At KI, we have chosen to wait until we consider the functionality of the educational planning is sufficiently developed to support our needs, and now, after the transition from project to management, we believe that this is the case. 

Ladok's education planning will be used at KI by the administrators and organizers involved in the course and programme administration at the first and second cycle level and who currently carry out these tasks in the education database Selma. 

With the introduction of Ladok's educational planning, the education database Selma will be phased out.

Concise implementation timetable

Concise implementation timetable - PRELIMINARY
Decision: Project startJanuary 2024
Process development and system preparationJanuary 2024 - August 2024
Integration and web presentationJanuary 2024 - June 2024
Migration of course and programme syllabiAugust 2024 - December 2024
Create user guidesSeptember 2024 - October 2024
Perform user training and distribute user rightsNovember 2024 - December 2024
Decision: open system for usersJanuary 2025
Decision: end project and assign management to line organizationJanuary 2025

Project organization

Steering group


Åsa Nandorf, head of division, Education Support Office


Maria Hagströmer, professor in physiotherapy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society

Sandra Brogårde, head of administration, Department of Women's and Children's Health

Maria Bengtsson, acting head of unit, Education Office, Faculty Office and International Relations

Fredrik von Feilitzen, head of unit, Development, IT department

Maria Hagströmmer, NVS

Peter Andreasson, head of office, Communications and Public Relations Office

Project manager

Mathias Pettersson, object manager, Education Support Office

Project team

Björn Miksch, object specialist Selma, Education Support Office

Cecilia Lind, object specialist Ladok, Education Support Office

Focus groups

We will put together focus groups from different user categories as needed during the course of the project. You are welcome to contact us in the project management if you are interested in participating.

Sub-project Integration and web presentation

The web presentation will be organized in a separate sub-project managed by the Communications and Public Relations Office.

Project manager

Jenny Hermansson, object manager, Communications and Public Relations Office

Information during the project 

During the course of the project, we will provide targeted information to all groups affected by the switch from Selma to Ladok's education planning, to ensure that we are all well prepared for the replacement. The information will be distributed through existing newsletters, targeted e-mails and at virtual and physical meetings. We will add more detailed information about this continuously.


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Mathias Pettersson

Project manager


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