Organisation: C1 Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology

Postal address: C1 Mikrobiologi, tumör- och cellbiologi, C1 Parasitology and CF, 171 77 Stockholm



Noushin Emamiprincipal researcher
Andrea Fossatiassistant professor
Andrea García NavarroPhD student
Milad GhahramanOther
Shrestha GhoshPostdoctoral studies
Antonio Gigliotti Rothfuchsprincipal researcher
Kjell-Olov GrönvikAffiliated to research
Filip Henrikssonproject coordinator
Hannes HoppePhD Student
Maria Johanssonhead of unit
Akira Kanekoprofessor
Achyut KCPhD Student
Doyeon Kimpostdoctoral researcher
Yongra KoAffiliated to research
Veronika Krmeskapostdoctoral researcher
Shashi KumarPostdoctoral studies
Klas KärreProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Shilei LiAffiliated to research
Murilo LimaOther
Mtakai Ngarapostdoctoral researcher
Susanne Nylénprincipal researcher
Laura Poolecoordinator
Grisna Isabel PrensaPhD student
Nuno André Ramos Rufino de Sousalaboratory technician
Philippa Reuterswärd Waldnerpostdoctoral researcher
Ulf RibackeAffiliated to research
Julie RouxPhD student
Alda Saldanresearch infrastructure specialist
Daniela Wehresearch assistant
Pryscilla Fanini WowkAffiliated to research