Organisation: C2 Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
Postal address: C2 Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, C2 Kemi I, 171 77 Stockholm
Massimiliano Gaetani | senior research infrastructure specialist |
Hassan Gharibi | postdoctoral researcher |
Sanchali Gupta Mukherjee | research assistant |
Susanna Lundström | senior research specialist |
Olga Lytovchenko | research engineer |
Hezheng Lyu | PhD student |
Zhaowei Meng | laboratory engineer |
Sourav Mukherjee | Affiliated to research |
Bohdana Sokolova | PhD student |
Marie Ståhlberg | biomedical scientist |
Akos Vegvari | senior research infrastructure specialist |
Xuepei Zhang | research specialist |
Roman Zubarev | professor |