
Postal address: C2 Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, C2 Molekylär neurobiologi Castelo-Branco, 171 77 Stockholm


Carmen AbaurrePhD student
Eneritz Agirreresearcher
Fabio Baldivia PohlPhD student
Karl Carlströmresearch specialist
Goncalo Castelo-Brancoprofessor
Yonglong Dangpostdoctoral researcher
Fleur de BoerPhD student
Özge DumralPhD student
Mónica FernandesAffiliated to research
Bastien Hervébioinformatician
Tony Jimenez-Beristainresearch coordinator
Mukund KabbeAffiliated to research
Leslie Kirbypostdoctoral researcher
Yuk Kit LorPhD student
Neemat Mahmudpostdoctoral researcher
Ana Mendanha Falcãoresearcher
Clemens RiesAffiliated to research
Ting SunAffiliated to research
Wenqi WangPhD student
Mattia Zaghipostdoctoral researcher
Chao ZhengAffiliated to research