Organisation: C2 Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics

Postal address: C2 Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, C2 Molekylär neurobiologi, 171 77 Stockholm



Carmen AbaurrePhD student
Eneritz Agirreresearcher
Ibrahim Al Rayyesclinical assistant
Müge AltinkokPhD student
Fabio Baldivia PohlPhD student
Sanghita Banerjeepostdoctoral researcher
Lisa Bastpostdoctoral researcher
Roland Baumgartnerresearch coordinator
Karl Carlströmresearch specialist
Goncalo Castelo-Brancoprofessor
Yanan Chenpostdoctoral researcher
Onur Dagliyanassistant professor
Giulia Dalaty
Yonglong Dangpostdoctoral researcher
Fleur de BoerPhD student
Özge DumralPhD student
Connla Edwardsresearch engineer
Ilse Eidhofresearch specialist
Patrik Ernforsprofessor
Michael Fattpostdoctoral researcher
Mónica FernandesAffiliated to research
David Fernández GarcíaPhD student
Marina Franckresearch specialist
Hayley FrenchPhD student
Roberto Garcia SwinburnAffiliated to research
Sandra Gellhaarcoordinator
Damien GilabertAffiliated to research
Alejandro Gonzalez AlvarezAffiliated to research
Elin Gruyterspostdoctoral researcher
Lukas HahnAffiliated to research
Marla HerrPhD student
Bastien Hervébioinformatician
Jens Hjerling-Lefflerprofessor
Tsuyoshi Hosoganepostdoctoral researcher
Lijuan Huresearch engineer
Rajitha Indukuripostdoctoral researcher
Elham Jalalvandresearch coordinator
Jokubas JanusauskasPhD student
Tony Jimenez-Beristainresearch coordinator
Anna Johnssonresearch coordinator
Mukund KabbeAffiliated to research
Shigeaki Kanataniresearch specialist
Ivana KapustováPhD student
Leslie Kirbypostdoctoral researcher
Jesper Kjaer JacobsenPhD student
Doris KrauterAffiliated to research
Judith KreutzmannAffiliated to research
Jussi Kupariresearch specialist
Egle KvedaraiteAffiliated to research
Dongoh Kwakresearch specialist
Ka Wai LeePhD student
Wei LiPhD student
Sten Linnarssonprofessor
Ziwei LiuPhD student
Fernando Lopez-Redondopostdoctoral researcher
Yuk Kit LorPhD student
Guochang Lyupostdoctoral researcher
Peter Lönnerbergresearch engineer
Tara MaharjanAffiliated to research
Neemat Mahmudpostdoctoral researcher
Camiel MannensAffiliated to research
Ulrika Marklundprincipal researcher
Fatima Memicresearch coordinator
Ana Mendanha Falcãoresearcher
Ayako MiyakawaAffiliated to research
Mubasher Mohammedpostdoctoral researcher
Maia Isabel MoogAffiliated to research
Khomgrit MorarachAffiliated to research
Alejandro Mossi AlbiachAffiliated to research
Ana Munoz ManchadoAffiliated to research
Göran Månssonresearch engineer
Kasra NikoueiAffiliated to research
Hirofumi Noguchipostdoctoral researcher
Krishnanand Padmanabhanpostdoctoral researcher
Lauren PhippsAffiliated to research
Clemens RiesAffiliated to research
Alessandra Rigamontiresearcher
Carmen Saltoresearcher
Emilia Síf ÁsgrimsdottirPhD student
Claudia SimonettiAffiliated to research
Jie Suresearch specialist
Ting SunAffiliated to research
Kimiharu TakamatsuPostdoctoral studies
Chiara Tremolantipostdoctoral researcher
Per Uhlénprofessor
Dmitry Usoskinsenior lab manager
Batuhan UygarPhD student
Parameswaran ValiathanAffiliated to research
Milda ValiukonytePhD student
Elin Vinslandpostdoctoral researcher
Gianluca VolkmerPhD student
Abigail WaltonPhD student
Wenqi WangPhD student
Natalie Welshpostdoctoral researcher
Anqi Xiongpostdoctoral researcher
Mattia Zaghipostdoctoral researcher
Hang ZengAffiliated to research
Mingdong Zhangresearch specialist
Songbai Zhangsenior lab manager
Yu ZhangPhD student
Chao ZhengAffiliated to research
Jiao ZhuAffiliated to research
Zeynep Özahishaliresearch assistant