Organisation: C2 Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
Postal address: C2 Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, C2 Molekylär neurobiologi, 171 77 Stockholm
Carmen Abaurre | PhD student |
Eneritz Agirre | researcher |
Ibrahim Al Rayyes | clinical assistant |
Müge Altinkok | PhD student |
Fabio Baldivia Pohl | PhD student |
Sanghita Banerjee | postdoctoral researcher |
Lisa Bast | postdoctoral researcher |
Roland Baumgartner | research coordinator |
Karl Carlström | research specialist |
Goncalo Castelo-Branco | professor |
Yanan Chen | postdoctoral researcher |
Onur Dagliyan | assistant professor |
Giulia Dalaty | |
Yonglong Dang | postdoctoral researcher |
Fleur de Boer | PhD student |
Özge Dumral | PhD student |
Connla Edwards | research engineer |
Ilse Eidhof | research specialist |
Patrik Ernfors | professor |
Michael Fatt | postdoctoral researcher |
Mónica Fernandes | Affiliated to research |
David Fernández García | PhD student |
Marina Franck | research specialist |
Hayley French | PhD student |
Roberto Garcia Swinburn | Affiliated to research |
Sandra Gellhaar | coordinator |
Damien Gilabert | Affiliated to research |
Alejandro Gonzalez Alvarez | Affiliated to research |
Elin Gruyters | postdoctoral researcher |
Lukas Hahn | Affiliated to research |
Marla Herr | PhD student |
Bastien Hervé | bioinformatician |
Jens Hjerling-Leffler | professor |
Tsuyoshi Hosogane | postdoctoral researcher |
Lijuan Hu | research engineer |
Rajitha Indukuri | postdoctoral researcher |
Elham Jalalvand | research coordinator |
Jokubas Janusauskas | PhD student |
Tony Jimenez-Beristain | research coordinator |
Anna Johnsson | research coordinator |
Mukund Kabbe | Affiliated to research |
Shigeaki Kanatani | research specialist |
Ivana Kapustová | PhD student |
Leslie Kirby | postdoctoral researcher |
Jesper Kjaer Jacobsen | PhD student |
Doris Krauter | Affiliated to research |
Judith Kreutzmann | Affiliated to research |
Jussi Kupari | research specialist |
Egle Kvedaraite | Affiliated to research |
Dongoh Kwak | research specialist |
Ka Wai Lee | PhD student |
Wei Li | PhD student |
Sten Linnarsson | professor |
Ziwei Liu | PhD student |
Fernando Lopez-Redondo | postdoctoral researcher |
Yuk Kit Lor | PhD student |
Guochang Lyu | postdoctoral researcher |
Peter Lönnerberg | research engineer |
Tara Maharjan | Affiliated to research |
Neemat Mahmud | postdoctoral researcher |
Camiel Mannens | Affiliated to research |
Ulrika Marklund | principal researcher |
Fatima Memic | research coordinator |
Ana Mendanha Falcão | researcher |
Ayako Miyakawa | Affiliated to research |
Mubasher Mohammed | postdoctoral researcher |
Maia Isabel Moog | Affiliated to research |
Khomgrit Morarach | Affiliated to research |
Alejandro Mossi Albiach | Affiliated to research |
Ana Munoz Manchado | Affiliated to research |
Göran Månsson | research engineer |
Kasra Nikouei | Affiliated to research |
Hirofumi Noguchi | postdoctoral researcher |
Krishnanand Padmanabhan | postdoctoral researcher |
Lauren Phipps | Affiliated to research |
Clemens Ries | Affiliated to research |
Alessandra Rigamonti | researcher |
Carmen Salto | researcher |
Emilia Síf Ásgrimsdottir | PhD student |
Claudia Simonetti | Affiliated to research |
Jie Su | research specialist |
Ting Sun | Affiliated to research |
Kimiharu Takamatsu | Postdoctoral studies |
Chiara Tremolanti | postdoctoral researcher |
Per Uhlén | professor |
Dmitry Usoskin | senior lab manager |
Batuhan Uygar | PhD student |
Parameswaran Valiathan | Affiliated to research |
Milda Valiukonyte | PhD student |
Elin Vinsland | postdoctoral researcher |
Gianluca Volkmer | PhD student |
Abigail Walton | PhD student |
Wenqi Wang | PhD student |
Natalie Welsh | postdoctoral researcher |
Anqi Xiong | postdoctoral researcher |
Mattia Zaghi | postdoctoral researcher |
Hang Zeng | Affiliated to research |
Mingdong Zhang | research specialist |
Songbai Zhang | senior lab manager |
Yu Zhang | PhD student |
Chao Zheng | Affiliated to research |
Jiao Zhu | Affiliated to research |
Zeynep Özahishali | research assistant |