
Postal address: C4 Neurovetenskap, C4 Forskning Experimentell Traumatologi, 171 77 Stockholm



Maria AngériaAffiliated to research
Ulf Arboreliusresearcher
Cristina Bellottipostdoctoral researcher
Staffan CullheimProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Anette Franssonresearch specialist
Frode GottschalkPhD Student
Jenny Gustavssonlaboratory coordinator
Mattias Güntherprincipal researcher
Andreas Hurme LundinPhD Student
Mårten Rislingprofessor, senior
Elham Rostamiresearcher
Mattias Sköldadjunct lecturer
Sebastian Thamssenior research specialist
Mats UlfendahlAffiliated to research
Katrin Wellfeltlaboratory coordinator
Niclas WisénAffiliated to research