Postal address: C4 Neurovetenskap, C4 Forskning Experimentell Traumatologi, 171 77 Stockholm
Maria Angéria | Affiliated to research |
Ulf Arborelius | researcher |
Zabih Ullah Aurfan | PhD student |
Cristina Bellotti | postdoctoral researcher |
Lydia Bennedich Kahn | research specialist |
Staffan Cullheim | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Anette Fransson | research specialist |
Jenny Gustavsson | laboratory coordinator |
Mattias Günther | principal researcher |
Andreas Hurme Lundin | PhD Student |
Erik Lidin | PhD student |
Mårten Risling | professor, senior |
Elham Rostami | researcher |
Mattias Sköld | adjunct lecturer |
Sebastian Thams | senior research specialist |
Mats Ulfendahl | Affiliated to research |
Katrin Wellfelt | laboratory coordinator |