Organisation: C4 Department of Neuroscience
Postal address: C4 Neurovetenskap, C4 Forskning, 171 77 Stockholm
Alina Aaltonen | PhD student |
Csaba Adori | Affiliated to research |
Kinana Aljaraidah | teaching assistant |
Elham Alzyoud | Postdoctoral studies |
Konstantinos Ampatzis | principal researcher |
Maria Angéria | Affiliated to research |
Ulf Arborelius | researcher |
Kaan Arici | Postdoctoral studies |
Zabih Ullah Aurfan | PhD student |
Swapnali Barde | Affiliated to research |
Alekhya Batchu | research assistant |
Joseph Baxendale | PhD student |
Cristina Bellotti | postdoctoral researcher |
Lydia Bennedich Kahn | research specialist |
Maelle Bertho | postdoctoral researcher |
Maria Bertuzzi | research engineer |
Giacomo Bignardi | PhD Student |
Anna Bjerkefors | Affiliated to research |
Laura Boi | postdoctoral researcher |
Saga Bolund | research assistant |
Anders Borgkvist | principal researcher |
Raj Bose | research coordinator |
Anastasiia Bratchenko | Affiliated to research |
Christian Broberger | Affiliated to research |
Lennart Brodin | professor |
Daniela Calvigioni | assistant professor |
Xiao Cao | PhD student |
Josep Carbonell Roig | PhD student |
Marie Carlen | professor |
Andrea Carmine Belin | principal researcher |
Alvaro Carrier Ruiz | postdoctoral researcher |
Joana Catarino | PhD student |
Sandra Ceccatelli | professor |
Noa Cemeljic | PhD student |
Shih-Hsin Chang | postdoctoral researcher |
Yu-Hsin Chang | PhD Student |
Wei-Tse Chang | Affiliated to research |
Jingjing Chen | Postdoctoral studies |
Thomas Contesse | Postdoctoral studies |
Alessandro Contestabile | Postdoctoral studies |
Sara Coppi | PhD student |
Laura Crucianelli | Affiliated to research |
Veronika Csillag | postdoctoral researcher |
Staffan Cullheim | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Mariano D´Angelo | postdoctoral researcher |
Elin Dahlberg | biomedical scientist |
Daniel de Castro Medeiros | research specialist |
Roberto de la Torre Martinez | Affiliated to research |
Örjan de Manzano | Affiliated to research |
Tatiana Deliagina | professor, senior |
Rochellys Diaz Heijtz | principal researcher |
Matthijs Dorst | postdoctoral researcher |
Feng Du | Postdoctoral studies |
Henrik Ehrsson | professor |
Agnes Ehrsson | research assistant |
Abdel El Manira | professor |
Julia Ericson | PhD student |
Anna Falk | principal researcher |
Kristine Farmen | PhD student |
Xiaona Feng | Postdoctoral studies |
Iorana Fey | Affiliated to research |
Matthias Fink | postdoctoral researcher |
Gilberto Fisone | professor |
Pierre Fontanel | PhD student |
Paula Fontanet | research specialist |
Chiara Forastieri | Postdoctoral studies |
Anette Fransson | research specialist |
Kaj Fried | professor, senior |
Alessandro Furlan | assistant professor |
Kjell Fuxe | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Janos Fuzik | principal researcher |
Serena Gasperoni | PhD student |
Emma Gerrits | postdoctoral researcher |
Ruy Gomez Ocadiz | Affiliated to research |
Marta Graziano | PhD student |
Sten Grillner | professor, senior |
Laurent Gueissaz | PhD student |
Jenny Gustavsson | laboratory coordinator |
Nicolas Gustavo Guyon | postdoctoral researcher |
Mattias Günther | principal researcher |
Judith Habicher | research specialist |
Saida Hadjab | principal researcher |
Tibor Harkany | professor |
Maximilian Hauser | Affiliated to research |
Laura Heikkinen | PhD student |
Katharina Heining | postdoctoral researcher |
Jeanette Hellgren Kotaleski | Affiliated to research |
Ola Hermanson | professor |
Frida Holm | research specialist |
Kim Hoseok | research specialist |
Li-Ju Hsu | research specialist |
Andreas Hurme Lundin | PhD Student |
Evelina Husén | PhD student |
Tomas Hökfelt | Affiliated to research |
Carlos Ibanez | professor |
Shirin Ilkhanizadeh | Affiliated to research |
Federico Iovino | principal researcher |
Heather Iriye | assistant professor |
Felicia Jennysdotter Olofsgård | PhD student |
Xiuqi Ji | PhD student |
Song Jianren | Affiliated to research |
Xavier Job | Affiliated to research |
Yvonne Johansson | postdoctoral researcher |
Fredric Johansson | Affiliated to research |
Felix Jung | PhD student |
Tobias Karlsson | assistant senior lecturer |
Håkan Karlsson | principal researcher |
Maya Ketzef | principal researcher |
Ole Kiehn | professor |
Konstantina Kilteni | assistant professor |
Torkel Klingberg | professor |
Linda Koene | postdoctoral researcher |
Meghna Kolluri | PhD student |
Konstantinos Koutsogiannis | PhD student |
Alexander Kozlov | research engineer |
Andrei Kramer-Miehe | research specialist |
Favio Krapacher | research specialist |
Magdalena Krubner | PhD student |
Leslie Lafouasse | PhD student |
Karin Lagerman | Affiliated to research |
Francois Lallemend | professor |
Renzo Lanfranco | postdoctoral researcher |
Pierre le Merre | research specialist |
Movitz Lenninger | research assistant |
Lei Li | postdoctoral researcher |
Erik Lidin | PhD student |
Andreas Lidström | postdoctoral researcher |
Isa Lindqvist | Affiliated to research |
Aris Logothetis | teaching assistant |
Juan Pablo Lopez | assistant professor |
Matthew Lowrie | PhD Student |
Vladimir Lyalka | research engineer |
Martina Löfstedt Jalava | biomedical scientist |
Peter Löw | researcher |
David Madrid Pulgarín | PhD student |
Ioannis Mantas | postdoctoral researcher |
Ines Martinez Sanchez | PhD student |
Björn Meister | professor |
Konstantinos Meletis | professor |
Martti Mercurio | research engineer |
Nicholas Mitsios | research specialist |
Maya Molinari | PhD student |
Annalena Moliner | laboratory engineer |
Leander Mrowka | PhD student |
Jan Mulder | researcher |
Ryu Ohata | Affiliated to research |
Per Oksvold | Affiliated to research |
Lars Olson | professor, senior |
Irene Pallucchi | Affiliated to research |
Sophie Perizonius | PhD Student |
Laurence Picton | assistant professor |
Angelo Pisani | PhD Student |
Clarissa Anna Pisanó | postdoctoral researcher |
Carina Plewnia | laboratory coordinator |
Parnian Poursafa | PhD Student |
Caroline Ran | research specialist |
Alessia Ricci | PhD Student |
Mårten Risling | professor, senior |
Davide Rizzato | research assistant |
Brita Robertson | research engineer |
Miguel Rocha E Costa | research assistant |
Julia Rogal | postdoctoral researcher |
Elham Rostami | researcher |
Eltjona Rrapaj | research assistant |
Eleonora Rubino | PhD Student |
Nieves Ruiz Ibáñes | PhD student |
Vidur Sabharwal | Postdoctoral studies |
Nicole Sabouné | PhD student |
Clara Sanchez | postdoctoral researcher |
Sivakoti Sangabathuni | postdoctoral researcher |
Emanuela Santini | principal researcher |
Maria Laura Santino | PhD student |
Inês Sofia Almeida Santos | PhD student |
Laura Sardon Puig | communications officer |
Robert Schnell | researcher |
Kate Schwarz | research assistant |
Robin Schürz | PhD student |
Simona Serra | PhD student |
Radhashree Sharma | PhD student |
Hung Sheng Shih | PhD student |
Jacob Short | PhD Student |
Oleg Shupliakov | professor |
Gilad Silberberg | professor |
Evelina Sjöstedt | Affiliated to research |
Vasiliki Skara | PhD student |
Emilio Skarwan | PhD student |
Mattias Sköld | adjunct lecturer |
Marina Slashcheva | PhD student |
Kelli Somelar-Duracz | postdoctoral researcher |
Petra Sostaric Muzic | postdoctoral researcher |
Julia Spielbauer | PhD student |
Giada Spigolon | research specialist |
Stefan Spulber | research specialist |
Stefanos Argyrios Stagkourakis | assistant professor |
Anna Sundholm | Affiliated to research |
Greta Martina Szücs | PhD student |
Inés Talaya | research assistant |
Prach Techameena | PhD student |
Sebastian Thams | senior research specialist |
William Scott Thompson | PhD student |
Daniel Patrick Twohig | Affiliated to research |
Mathias Uhlen | professor, senior |
Mats Ulfendahl | Affiliated to research |
Fredrik Ullén | professor |
Vivien Vach | research assistant |
Kanthida van Welzen | PhD Student |
Niels Vander Elst | Postdoctoral studies |
Anil Kumar Verma Rodríguez | Postdoctoral studies |
Kalle von Feilitzen | Affiliated to research |
Ida Välikangas Rautio | Postdoctoral studies |
Katrin Wellfelt | laboratory coordinator |
Yatong Wen | Postdoctoral studies |
Laura Wesseldijk | Affiliated to research |
Dania Winn | PhD student |
Penghao Xia | PhD Student |
Shuyuan Xu | Postdoctoral studies |
Pavel Zelenin | researcher |
Kaiwen Zhang | PhD student |
Tianyu Zheng | PhD Student |
Wen Zhong | Affiliated to research |