Health Economics and Policy

Organisation: C7 Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics

Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, C7 Hälsoekonomi och Policy, 171 77 Stockholm


Health Economics and Policy.Rehnberg


Anton BurovOther
Cecilia DahlgrenAffiliated to research
Kinza Degerlund MaldiAffiliated to research
Petra EdströmAffiliated to research
Olivia ErnstssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Eva FjellgrenAffiliated to research
Oskar FrisellPhD Student
Fanny GoudeAffiliated to research
Matilda HagmanAffiliated to research
Emelie Heintzadjunct lecturer
Monica Hultcrantzadjunct lecturer
Nils JanlövAffiliated to research
George Keelassistant professor
Nama Kenan ModenAffiliated to research
Jahangir A.M. KhanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Tobias LauritsenAffiliated to research
Agnes LindAffiliated to research
Peter Lindgrenadjunct professor
Karoline MagnusdottirAffiliated to research
Emma MedinPhD Student
Evalill NilssonAffiliated to research
Maria NilssonAffiliated to research
Camilla NystrandAffiliated to research
Nathalie PeiraAffiliated to research
Clas Rehnbergprofessor
Filipa SampaioAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Mathilde SengoelgeAffiliated to research
Emma SpånbergPhD Student
Sofia SveréusAffiliated to research
Emma SöreskogPhD student
Sofi VargAffiliated to research
Niklas Zethraeusprincipal researcher