C7 Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics


Postal address: C7 Lärande, Informatik, Management och Etik, 171 77 Stockholm


Division for Learning
Division for Stockholm Centre for Healthcare Ethics (CHE)
Division for Health Informatics Centre
Division for Medical Management Centre
Division for Administrative Support
Division for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental Ill-Health Centre
Division for Other Units
Health Economics and Policy


Björn Af UgglasAffiliated to research
Mohammad Tanvir AhamedPhD Student
Anders AhlssonAffiliated to research
Lina Al-adiliAffiliated to research
Bianca AlbersAffiliated to research
Patricius AlbuConsultant/Hired personnel
Jayne Alfredssonproject coordinator
Britta Alin-ÅkermanAffiliated to research
Jhon Álvarez Ahlgrenadministrative officer
Jesper Alvarsson-Hjortadjunct lecturer
Isis Amer-WåhlinAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Niklas AnderssonAffiliated to research
Anna-Lena AnderssonAffiliated to research
Hedvig Anderssonassistant librarian
Johan AndreenAffiliated to research
Maria Appelgreneducational administrator
Magnus Backhedenlecturer
Lo Barcklibrarian
Oliver Bartschproject manager
Sara BelfrageAffiliated to research
Jenny BergAffiliated to research
Anna BergströmAffiliated to research
Anna Birgersdotterproject coordinator
Lena Björkeducational administrator
Bianca BlazevskaAffiliated to research
Helene BodegårdPhD student
Gustav BohlinAffiliated to research
Peter BolinPhD Student
Stefano Bonacinaassistant senior lecturer
Anna Bonneviereducational developer
Nova BorgAffiliated to research
Mats Brommelsproject manager
Anton BurovOther
Kristina BurströmAffiliated to research
Ami BylundAffiliated to research
Annika BäckAffiliated to research
Ebba CarbonnierAffiliated to research
Andreas CarlborgAffiliated to research
Vladimir Carlisenior lecturer/senior physician
Anne Changassistant librarian
Marie ChenikOther
Azadeh Chizarifardstatistician
Veronica-Aurelia CosteaAffiliated to research
Caroline Dahllecturer
Marie DahlbergAffiliated to research
Cecilia DahlgrenAffiliated to research
Nadia Davoodyassistant senior lecturer
Kinza Degerlund MaldiAffiliated to research
Sara Ronja-Li DelilovicPhD Student
Petra EdströmAffiliated to research
Birgit EiermannAffiliated to research
Solvig EkbladAffiliated to research
Björn EklundAffiliated to research
Mirjam Ekstedtprincipal researcher
Emma Eliassonpostdoctoral researcher
Agnes Elmbergerclinical assistant
Amani Eltayblecturer
Malin EneslättAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Josefine EngelbrechtsenAffiliated to research
Charli Erikssonsenior research specialist
Olivia ErnstssonAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Nora Espahbodieducational administrator
Kevin EvaAffiliated to research
Alan Farmanfinance officer
Eva FjellgrenAffiliated to research
Evelina Flodkvistproject coordinator
Stefan Forsresearcher
Hjalmar Forshead of unit
Angelica FredholmAffiliated to research
Johan FredinPhD Student
Joel FreilichPhD student
Oskar FrisellPhD Student
Pietro GambadauroAffiliated to research
Fanny GoudeAffiliated to research
Oksana GramatikAffiliated to research
Emma GranströmAffiliated to research
Amina Guenna Holmgrenlecturer
Christian GuttmannAffiliated to research
Linda Gyllström KrekulaAffiliated to research
Henna Haapa HybinettePhD Student
Gergö Hadlaczkyadjunct lecturer
Matilda HagmanAffiliated to research
Kenneth Hagsteneducation coordinator
Ana HagströmPhD Student
Lena Hansonlecturer
Maxine Harjaniresearch assistant
Henna Hassonadjunct professor
Dan HassonAffiliated to research
Emma Hedberg RundgrenPhD student
Sebastian Viljo HeikkiläAffiliated to research
Emelie Heintzadjunct lecturer
Gert Helgessonprofessor
Ani HenttonenAffiliated to research
Maria HerdlandHR manager
Vasilis Hervatislecturer
Patrik HidefjällAffiliated to research
Hans HjelmqvistAffiliated to research
Monica Hultcrantzadjunct lecturer
Gustaf Otto HultgrenConsultant/Hired personnel
Karl HybinettePhD Student
Henrike Häbelstatistician
Maria HägglundAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Sebastian HökbyPhD Student
Miriam Iosueresearch assistant
Nils JanlövAffiliated to research
Hanna Janssonprincipal researcher
Gabriella Janssonresearch assistant
Beatrice JohanssonAffiliated to research
Anna JohanssonAffiliated to research
Annelie Jonssonadministrator
Maria Josephsonadministrative officer
Niklas JuthAffiliated to research
Lovisa Jäderlund HagstedtPhD Student
Dana KaledHR partner
Alexandra Kamblerresearch assistant
Klas Karlgrenprincipal researcher
Petter KarlssonPhD Student
Linda KarlssonAffiliated to research
George Keelassistant professor
Nama Kenan ModenAffiliated to research
Jahangir A.M. KhanAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Ulrik Kihlbomprofessor
Gunnar KleinAffiliated to research
Charlotte KlingaAffiliated to research
Sabine Kochprofessor
Charilaos KoufidisAffiliated to research
Leo KowalskiPhD student
Desirée Kristenssonresearch assistant
Eva LaggingPhD Student
Tobias LauritsenAffiliated to research
Matti LeijonAffiliated to research
Madelen Lekassistant senior lecturer
Theresa LemkeAffiliated to research
Claes LennmarkenAffiliated to research
Jason LevineOther
Anneliese Lilienthalproject coordinator
Agnes LindAffiliated to research
Marie Lindadministrator
Anna LindbladAffiliated to research
Elisabet Lindgreneducation officer
Peter Lindgrenadjunct professor
Olof Ljungströmhead of unit
Antoinette LundahlAffiliated to research
Anna Lundhadjunct lecturer
Pernilla Lundhadjunct lecturer
Niels LynöeProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Ulrika Lögdbergpostdoctoral researcher
Ralph MacKinnonAffiliated to research
Karoline MagnusdottirAffiliated to research
Katri ManninenAffiliated to research
Mikaela Matifinance officer
Pamela Mazzocatosenior lecturer
Emma MedinPhD Student
Johan MestertonAffiliated to research
Rafiq MuhammadAffiliated to research
Tomas Månssonlecturer
Juha Nieminenhead of office
Sokratis Nifakossystem developer
Hanna NilssonAffiliated to research
Evalill NilssonAffiliated to research
Maria NilssonAffiliated to research
Camilla NystrandAffiliated to research
Monica Nyströmsenior lecturer
Mikael OhrlingAffiliated to research
Leticia OkabayashiAffiliated to research
Karolina OlinPhD Student
Liisa Olssoneducational administrator
Nicolas Olsson YaouzisAffiliated to research
Karen OquinPhD Student
Kristina Palmprincipal researcher
Per Palmgrenassistant senior lecturer
Nathalie PeiraAffiliated to research
Malin Peterssonfinancial manager
Nuhamin Gebrewold Petrosproject coordinator
Bo Planstedtdepartment technician
Vijaylakshmi Prabhufinance administrator
Gupta Nikhil PrakashPhD Student
Karin Pukk HärenstamAffiliated to research
Inga-Lill RambergAffiliated to research
Pedro RamosAffiliated to research
Clas Rehnbergprofessor
Maria ReiniusAffiliated to research
Anne Richterprincipal researcher
Marta Roczniewskasenior research specialist
Karl RomboPhD Student
Anna RossanderPhD Student
Charlotte Rosslandprefect secretary
Filipa SampaioAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Christer SandahlProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Malin Sandellstudy counselor
Mairi Savagelecturer
Carl Savageprincipal researcher
Elias SchriwerPhD student
Ulrika Schüldt Håårdproject manager
Malin Sellbergeducational developer
Mathilde SengoelgeAffiliated to research
Thorhalla SigurdadottirPhD Student
Charlotte Silénsenior lecturer
Manne Sjöstrandresearcher
Aleksandra Sjöström-BujaczAffiliated to research
Erik SkogAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Niclas SkyttbergAffiliated to research
John SkårProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Ingrid Smedbergadministrative officer
Lisa Smeds Aleniusassistant senior lecturer
Marcus Sokolowskiadjunct lecturer
Karin Solberg CarlssonAffiliated to research
Emma SpånbergPhD Student
Natalia Stathakarouproject coordinator
Anne StefensonAffiliated to research
Terese Stenforsprofessor
Danielle BerglundAffiliated to research
Helena StrehlenertAffiliated to research
Jörgen H StriemPhD Student
Marika Strömstatistician
Linda Sturesson Stabelresearch specialist
Carl Johan Sundbergprofessor
Erik SundvallAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Maria SundvallAffiliated to research
Yuliia SuprunAffiliated to research
Ingrid Svenssonassistant professor
Sofia SveréusAffiliated to research
Cara SwainPhD Student
Sara Sütöriresearch assistant
Janek SzklarzewiczAffiliated to research
Zoe Säflundeducational developer
Emma SöreskogPhD student
Elisabeth ThrobäckAffiliated to research
Annika Tibelladjunct professor
Carol TishelmanProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
David TitelmanAffiliated to research
Ivo Todorovproject coordinator
Sara Tolfresearch specialist
Tanja Tomsonprincipal researcher
Göran TomsonAffiliated to research
Håkan UvhagenAffiliated to research
Jennifer Valckelecturer
Sofi VargAffiliated to research
Elisa Vignaresearch assistant
Karin VillaumeAffiliated to research
Tereza Vitchevaproject coordinator
Susanna von Holstassistant senior lecturer
Mia von Knorringprincipal researcher
Ulrica von Thiele Schwarzprincipal researcher
Fanny WandelAffiliated to research
Carolina Wannhedensenior research specialist
Danuta Wassermanprofessor, senior
Camilla Wassermansenior research specialist
Eva WassermanAffiliated to research
Anna Westerberghead of administration
Margareta WesterbotnAffiliated to research
Joakim WesterlundAffiliated to research
Michael Westerlundresearch specialist
Samuel Wiqviststatistician
Samer Yammineproject manager
David Zakimproject coordinator
Niklas Zethraeusprincipal researcher
Johanna ZetterlundAffiliated to research
Irene Zettervallfinance officer
Eva Åhrénhead of office
Mimmi ÅströmAffiliated to research
Hanna Öfverströmresearch specialist
Jan ÖstergrenAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
John Ovretveitprofessor, senior