
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Infekt Broliden K, 171 77 Stockholm



Margaux BalduckPhD student
Amanda BorgenstamPhD student
Frideborg BradleyAffiliated to research
Kristina Brolidenprofessor/senior physician
Adam BurgenerAffiliated to research
Craig CohenAffiliated to research
Fariba Forooghlaboratory manager
Mathias Franzén BogerPhD student
Carl Johan Hagströmerpostdoctoral researcher
Leo Hankeassistant professor
Tyra HasselrotPhD student
Sara Huntresearch assistant
Avadhoot JadhavPhD student
Vilde Kaldhusdalclinical assistant
Anna KrálováPhD student
Sebastian Olspostdoctoral researcher
Mirte Paschapostdoctoral researcher
William Purbaresearch assistant
Rebecca StephanieAffiliated to research
Alexandra SternPhD Student
Annelie Tjernlundsenior research specialist