Organisation: K2 Department of Medicine, Solna

Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Infekt, 171 77 Stockholm



Lina Abdel-HalimAffiliated to research
Adnane Achourprofessor
Muhammad Ridwanul Aminpostdoctoral researcher
George AwungafacPhD Student
Margaux BalduckPhD student
Andreas BergeAffiliated to research
Mikael BjörnsonPhD Student
Rebecca Tafesse BogaleAffiliated to research
Amanda BorgenstamPhD student
Frideborg BradleyAffiliated to research
Sven BrittonProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Kristina Brolidenprofessor/senior physician
Judith BruchfeldAffiliated to research
Adam BurgenerAffiliated to research
Laura BöttcherAffiliated to research
Craig CohenAffiliated to research
Margarida Correia-NevesAffiliated to research
Alan Dine Courey-GhaouziPhD student
Nishi DavePhD student
Lina Davies Forsmanadjunct lecturer
Elin Economou LundebergPhD Student
Isabelle EliassonPhD Student
Fredrik EricssonPhD student
Elin FolkessonPhD Student
Fariba Forooghlaboratory manager
Sofia ForsblomPhD student
Mathias Franzén BogerPhD student
Elisabeth Franzen-RöhlAffiliated to research
Gabrielle FröbergAffiliated to research
Anna Färnertprofessor/senior physician
Maia Serene GowerPhD student
Araz HaddadiAffiliated to research
Carl Johan Hagströmerpostdoctoral researcher
Xiao Hanresearch specialist
Leo Hankeassistant professor
Tyra HasselrotPhD student
Jonas HedlundAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Arash HellysazAffiliated to research
Maria-Pia HergensAffiliated to research
Helena Hervius AsklingAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Daniel HolmströmAffiliated to teaching/tutoring
Sara Huntresearch assistant
Avadhoot JadhavPhD student
Johanna JohnssonAffiliated to research
Vilde Kaldhusdalclinical assistant
John Karlsson ValikAffiliated to research
Linn KlebergPhD student
Anna KrálováPhD student
Johanna KuhlinAffiliated to research
Aysel KulbayPhD Student
Gunilla Källeniusprofessor, senior
Maximilian Julius Lautenbachclinical assistant
Klara Lenartpostdoctoral researcher
Tobias Lindström BattleAffiliated to research
Zaynab Mousavianresearch specialist
Doreen David MutemiPhD Student
Carol Mwita-Tryggresearch assistant
Pontus Nauclerprofessor/senior physician
Francis NdunguAffiliated to research
Han NguyenPhD Student
Sebastian Olspostdoctoral researcher
Mirte Paschapostdoctoral researcher
David Plazaassistant professor
William Purbaresearch assistant
Ana Requena MendezAffiliated to research
Tom ResinkPhD student
Suzanne Ruhe-van der Werffresearch specialist
Caroline RönnbergAffiliated to research
Flavio Salazar-OnfrayAffiliated to research
Tatiana SandalovaAffiliated to research
Donya SatarvandiPhD Student
Klara SondénAffiliated to research
Adonis SotoodehPhD student
Rebecca StephanieAffiliated to research
Alexandra SternPhD Student
Renhua Sunresearch specialist
Christopher Sundlingprincipal researcher
Lennart SvenssonAffiliated to research
Jonathan SzepsAffiliated to research
Ann TammelinAffiliated to research
Nils Anders TernhagAffiliated to research
Annelie Tjernlundsenior research specialist
Ninglin Wangpostdoctoral researcher
Katarina WidgrenAffiliated to research
Susanne WiklundAffiliated to research
Katja WyssAffiliated to research
Hannes Wåhlinsenior lab manager
Andreas WångdahlAffiliated to research
Pengjun XiPhD student
Victor Ymanresearch specialist
Julia ZerebinskiPhD student
Xubin ZhengPostdoctoral studies
Åke ÖrtqvistAffiliated to research