Organisation: K2 Department of Medicine, Solna
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Infekt, 171 77 Stockholm
Lina Abdel-Halim | Affiliated to research |
Adnane Achour | professor |
Muhammad Ridwanul Amin | postdoctoral researcher |
George Awungafac | PhD Student |
Margaux Balduck | PhD student |
Andreas Berge | Affiliated to research |
Mikael Björnson | PhD Student |
Rebecca Tafesse Bogale | Affiliated to research |
Amanda Borgenstam | PhD student |
Frideborg Bradley | Affiliated to research |
Sven Britton | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Kristina Broliden | professor/senior physician |
Judith Bruchfeld | Affiliated to research |
Adam Burgener | Affiliated to research |
Laura Böttcher | Affiliated to research |
Craig Cohen | Affiliated to research |
Margarida Correia-Neves | Affiliated to research |
Alan Dine Courey-Ghaouzi | PhD student |
Nishi Dave | PhD student |
Lina Davies Forsman | adjunct lecturer |
Elin Economou Lundeberg | PhD Student |
Isabelle Eliasson | PhD Student |
Fredrik Ericsson | PhD student |
Elin Folkesson | PhD Student |
Fariba Foroogh | laboratory manager |
Sofia Forsblom | PhD student |
Mathias Franzén Boger | PhD student |
Elisabeth Franzen-Röhl | Affiliated to research |
Gabrielle Fröberg | Affiliated to research |
Anna Färnert | professor/senior physician |
Maia Serene Gower | PhD student |
Araz Haddadi | Affiliated to research |
Carl Johan Hagströmer | postdoctoral researcher |
Xiao Han | research specialist |
Leo Hanke | assistant professor |
Tyra Hasselrot | PhD student |
Jonas Hedlund | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Arash Hellysaz | Affiliated to research |
Maria-Pia Hergens | Affiliated to research |
Helena Hervius Askling | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Daniel Holmström | Affiliated to teaching/tutoring |
Sara Hunt | research assistant |
Avadhoot Jadhav | PhD student |
Johanna Johnsson | Affiliated to research |
Vilde Kaldhusdal | clinical assistant |
John Karlsson Valik | Affiliated to research |
Linn Kleberg | PhD student |
Anna Králová | PhD student |
Johanna Kuhlin | Affiliated to research |
Aysel Kulbay | PhD Student |
Gunilla Källenius | professor, senior |
Maximilian Julius Lautenbach | clinical assistant |
Klara Lenart | postdoctoral researcher |
Tobias Lindström Battle | Affiliated to research |
Zaynab Mousavian | research specialist |
Doreen David Mutemi | PhD Student |
Carol Mwita-Trygg | research assistant |
Pontus Naucler | professor/senior physician |
Francis Ndungu | Affiliated to research |
Han Nguyen | PhD Student |
Sebastian Ols | postdoctoral researcher |
Mirte Pascha | postdoctoral researcher |
David Plaza | assistant professor |
William Purba | research assistant |
Ana Requena Mendez | Affiliated to research |
Tom Resink | PhD student |
Suzanne Ruhe-van der Werff | research specialist |
Caroline Rönnberg | Affiliated to research |
Flavio Salazar-Onfray | Affiliated to research |
Tatiana Sandalova | Affiliated to research |
Donya Satarvandi | PhD Student |
Klara Sondén | Affiliated to research |
Adonis Sotoodeh | PhD student |
Rebecca Stephanie | Affiliated to research |
Alexandra Stern | PhD Student |
Renhua Sun | research specialist |
Christopher Sundling | principal researcher |
Lennart Svensson | Affiliated to research |
Jonathan Szeps | Affiliated to research |
Ann Tammelin | Affiliated to research |
Nils Anders Ternhag | Affiliated to research |
Annelie Tjernlund | senior research specialist |
Ninglin Wang | postdoctoral researcher |
Katarina Widgren | Affiliated to research |
Susanne Wiklund | Affiliated to research |
Katja Wyss | Affiliated to research |
Hannes Wåhlin | senior lab manager |
Andreas Wångdahl | Affiliated to research |
Pengjun Xi | PhD student |
Victor Yman | research specialist |
Julia Zerebinski | PhD student |
Xubin Zheng | Postdoctoral studies |
Åke Örtqvist | Affiliated to research |