Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Infekt Naucler P, 171 77 Stockholm
Lina Abdel-Halim | Affiliated to research |
Muhammad Ridwanul Amin | postdoctoral researcher |
Andreas Berge | Affiliated to research |
Nishi Dave | PhD student |
Araz Haddadi | Affiliated to research |
John Karlsson Valik | Affiliated to research |
Tobias Lindström Battle | Affiliated to research |
Pontus Naucler | professor/senior physician |
Suzanne Ruhe-van der Werff | research specialist |
Adonis Sotoodeh | PhD student |
Nils Anders Ternhag | Affiliated to research |
Ninglin Wang | postdoctoral researcher |
Hannes Wåhlin | senior lab manager |
Åke Örtqvist | Affiliated to research |