
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Infekt Naucler P, 171 77 Stockholm


Lina Abdel-HalimAffiliated to research
Muhammad Ridwanul Aminpostdoctoral researcher
Andreas BergeAffiliated to research
Nishi DavePhD student
Araz HaddadiAffiliated to research
John Karlsson ValikAffiliated to research
Tobias Lindström BattleAffiliated to research
Pontus Nauclerprofessor/senior physician
Suzanne Ruhe-van der Werffresearch specialist
Adonis SotoodehPhD student
Nils Anders TernhagAffiliated to research
Ninglin Wangpostdoctoral researcher
Hannes Wåhlinsenior lab manager
Åke ÖrtqvistAffiliated to research