Organisation: K2 Department of Medicine, Solna
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 KEP, 171 77 Stockholm
Sulaf Abd Own | PhD Student |
Mahshid Abdi Shahshahani | PhD student |
Maria (Mia) Ahlberg | Affiliated to research |
Fadiea Al-Aieshy | PhD Student |
Peter Alping | postdoctoral researcher |
Frida Andersson | Affiliated to research |
Luigi Annicchiarico | Affiliated to research |
Stefanie Antonilli | statistician |
Pernilla Appelquist | administrator |
Elizabeth Arkema | principal researcher |
Johan Askling | professor/senior physician |
Majd Bairkdar | PhD Student |
Mian Bao | postdoctoral researcher |
Nurgul Batyrbekova | statistician |
Fanny Bergström | statistician |
Martin Björklund | statistician |
Erik Boberg | Affiliated to research |
Jenny Bolk | Affiliated to research |
Magnus Boman | professor |
Stephanie Bonn | senior research specialist |
Johanna Borg Bruchfeld | PhD Student |
Hannah Bower | Affiliated to research |
Lena Brandt | Affiliated to research |
Gustaf Bruze | research coordinator |
Anne Brynolf | PhD Student |
Elsa Brånvall | Affiliated to research |
Gabriella Bröms | Affiliated to research |
Hanna Carr | PhD Student |
Carolyn Cesta | assistant professor |
Weng Che | Affiliated to research |
Sven Cnattingius | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Love Cyon | PhD Student |
Torsten Dahlén | Affiliated to research |
Marina Dehara | project coordinator |
Bénédicte Delcoigne | statistician |
Linn Deleskog Spångberg | PhD Student |
Daniela di Giuseppe | statistician |
Caroline Dietrich | statistician |
Annica Dominicus | statistician |
Nils Eckerdal | statistician |
Gustaf Edgren | principal researcher |
Malin Edqvist | Affiliated to research |
Anna-Karin Elisabeth Edstedt Bonamy | Affiliated to research |
Sara Ekberg | Affiliated to research |
Lucas Ekström | PhD student |
Edit Ekström | project coordinator |
Karin Ekström Smedby | professor/assistant senior physician |
Tarec El-Galaly | Affiliated to research |
Sandra Eloranta | principal researcher |
Charlotte Elvander | Affiliated to research |
Arvid Engström | PhD Student |
Joshua Entrop | Affiliated to research |
Carl Eriksson | Affiliated to research |
Michael Fored | senior lecturer/senior physician |
Anna Forsberg | Affiliated to research |
Anders Forss | Affiliated to research |
Sara Freyland | statistician |
Thomas Frisell | principal researcher |
Ingrid Glimelius | Affiliated to research |
Alvaro Gomez Gonzalez | postdoctoral researcher |
Hillary Graham | PhD student |
Fredrik Granath | Affiliated to research |
Michaela Granfors | Affiliated to research |
Karin Gunnarsson | PhD Student |
Anna Gärtner | educational administrator |
Åsa Hallqvist Everhov | Affiliated to research |
Naz Haque | statistician |
Sara Harrysson | Affiliated to research |
Ida Hed Myrberg | PhD student |
Karin Hellgren | Affiliated to research |
Johanna Hellgren | project assistant |
Paul Hjemdahl | Professor Emeritus/Emerita |
Anders Hjern | professor/senior physician |
Marie Holmqvist | Affiliated to research |
Zakir Hossin | postdoctoral researcher |
Johann Hreinsson | Affiliated to research |
Madeleine Hummel | Affiliated to research |
Viking Huss | PhD Student |
Josef Isung | Affiliated to research |
Anna Ivert | PhD Student |
Joel Joelsson | PhD Student |
Martina Johannesson | project coordinator |
Kari Johansson | assistant professor |
Stefan Johansson | Affiliated to research |
Karin Johnson | PhD student |
Paulina Jonéus | postdoctoral researcher |
Helena Jonsson Rolandsdotter | Affiliated to research |
Susanne Karlfeldt | Affiliated to research |
Fatine Khammari | PhD Student |
Lisa Kogner | PhD Student |
Ingvar Krakau | Affiliated to research |
Kári Kristjánsson | statistician |
Younes Laalou | PhD student |
Pierre Lafolie | senior lecturer |
Ida Lagerström | PhD Student |
Anna Maria Lampousi | postdoctoral researcher |
Kevin Lasmi | PhD student |
Lucas Lernehav | IT technician |
Carl-Emil Lim | PhD student |
Charlotte Lindblad Wollmann | Affiliated to research |
Linda Lindström | Affiliated to research |
Can Liu | Affiliated to research |
Qiaoling Liu | Affiliated to research |
Lotta Ljung | Affiliated to research |
Louise Lundborg | Affiliated to research |
Kinda Lundström | PhD Student |
Petter Malmborg | Affiliated to research |
Rickard Malmström | adjunct senior lecturer |
Ängla Mantel | Affiliated to research |
Torkel Mattesson | PhD Student |
Heather Miller | clinical assistant |
Ayoub Mitha | Affiliated to research |
Hanna Mogensen | Affiliated to research |
Viktor Molander | Affiliated to research |
Scott Montgomery | researcher |
Natalia Mouratidou | Affiliated to research |
Giulia Muraca | Affiliated to research |
Olivia Aya Nakitanda | Affiliated to research |
Martin Neovius | professor |
Viet Ngoc Nguyen | PhD student |
Helena Nord | HR administrator |
Eva Nordendahl | Affiliated to research |
Emelie Nordenhök | Affiliated to research |
Sofia Nordenmalm | PhD Student |
Kristina Noring | Affiliated to research |
Adam Nygren | PhD Student |
Ola Olén | adjunct professor |
Mehdi Osooli | research coordinator |
Ida Palmqvist | project assistant |
Björn Pasternak | principal researcher |
Karina Patasova | Affiliated to research |
Laura Pazzagli | research specialist |
Gunnar Petersson | software programmer |
Andreas Pettersson | Affiliated to research |
Linnea Plaza Ladfors | PhD student |
Pauline Raaschou | Affiliated to research |
Maxime Raffray | postdoctoral researcher |
Susanne Rautiainen Lagerström | Affiliated to research |
Neda Razaz | senior lecturer |
Katarina Remaeus | Affiliated to research |
Monica Ringheim | administrator |
Christina Roeck Hansen | Affiliated to research |
Nathalie Roos | project manager |
Andreas Roos | Affiliated to research |
Maud Rutting | research nurse |
Diana Rydberg | Affiliated to research |
Haider Walid Sabhan | PhD Student |
Saedis Saevarsdottir | researcher |
Elina Salonen | PhD Student |
Anna Sandström | Affiliated to research |
Stefanie Schmauder | Affiliated to research |
Julia Simard | Affiliated to research |
Eleni Simatou | PhD student |
Linnea Sjöblom | PhD student |
Daniel Sjöholm | research engineer |
Jessica Sjölund | Affiliated to research |
Kelsi Smith | Affiliated to research |
Tea Soini | Affiliated to research |
Simon Steiger | statistician |
Olof Stephansson | professor/senior physician |
Carl-Olav Stiller | Affiliated to research |
Helena Sundvall | PhD Student |
Henrik Svanström | Affiliated to research |
John Svensson | Affiliated to research |
Jonas Söderling | Affiliated to research |
Mariel Taxén | project coordinator |
Eleonor Tiblad | Affiliated to research |
Liselotte Tidblad | Affiliated to research |
Eleni Tsamantioti | PhD student |
Peter Ueda | assistant professor |
Suvi Virtanen | PhD student |
Sigurd Vitols | Affiliated to research |
Siri Voghera | statistician |
Hjalmar Wadström | Affiliated to research |
Karin Wadström | Postdoctoral studies |
Kristin Waldenlind | Affiliated to research |
Sara Wedrén | Affiliated to research |
Rikke Wesselhøft | Affiliated to research |
Helga Westerlind | senior research specialist |
Anna-Maria Wintler | PhD Student |
Viktor Wintzell | coordinator |
Felix Wittström | PhD student |
Tove Wästerlid | Affiliated to research |
Qian Yang | Affiliated to research |
Johan Zetterqvist | statistician |
Jingcheng Zhao | Affiliated to research |
Caroline Öberg | coordinator |
Anton Öberg Sysojev | Affiliated to research |
Caroline Öfverberg Colliander | project coordinator |
Anne Örtqvist | Affiliated to research |