Organisation: K2 Department of Medicine, Solna

Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 KEP, 171 77 Stockholm



Sulaf Abd OwnPhD Student
Mahshid Abdi ShahshahaniPhD student
Maria (Mia) AhlbergAffiliated to research
Fadiea Al-AieshyPhD Student
Peter Alpingpostdoctoral researcher
Frida AnderssonAffiliated to research
Luigi AnnicchiaricoAffiliated to research
Stefanie Antonillistatistician
Pernilla Appelquistadministrator
Elizabeth Arkemaprincipal researcher
Johan Asklingprofessor/senior physician
Majd BairkdarPhD Student
Mian Baopostdoctoral researcher
Nurgul Batyrbekovastatistician
Fanny Bergströmstatistician
Martin Björklundstatistician
Erik BobergAffiliated to research
Jenny BolkAffiliated to research
Magnus Bomanprofessor
Stephanie Bonnsenior research specialist
Johanna Borg BruchfeldPhD Student
Hannah BowerAffiliated to research
Lena BrandtAffiliated to research
Gustaf Bruzeresearch coordinator
Anne BrynolfPhD Student
Elsa BrånvallAffiliated to research
Gabriella BrömsAffiliated to research
Hanna CarrPhD Student
Carolyn Cestaassistant professor
Weng CheAffiliated to research
Sven CnattingiusProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Love CyonPhD Student
Torsten DahlénAffiliated to research
Marina Deharaproject coordinator
Bénédicte Delcoignestatistician
Linn Deleskog SpångbergPhD Student
Daniela di Giuseppestatistician
Caroline Dietrichstatistician
Annica Dominicusstatistician
Nils Eckerdalstatistician
Gustaf Edgrenprincipal researcher
Malin EdqvistAffiliated to research
Anna-Karin Elisabeth Edstedt BonamyAffiliated to research
Sara EkbergAffiliated to research
Lucas EkströmPhD student
Edit Ekströmproject coordinator
Karin Ekström Smedbyprofessor/assistant senior physician
Tarec El-GalalyAffiliated to research
Sandra Elorantaprincipal researcher
Charlotte ElvanderAffiliated to research
Arvid EngströmPhD Student
Joshua EntropAffiliated to research
Carl ErikssonAffiliated to research
Michael Foredsenior lecturer/senior physician
Anna ForsbergAffiliated to research
Anders ForssAffiliated to research
Sara Freylandstatistician
Thomas Frisellprincipal researcher
Ingrid GlimeliusAffiliated to research
Alvaro Gomez Gonzalezpostdoctoral researcher
Hillary GrahamPhD student
Fredrik GranathAffiliated to research
Michaela GranforsAffiliated to research
Karin GunnarssonPhD Student
Anna Gärtnereducational administrator
Åsa Hallqvist EverhovAffiliated to research
Naz Haquestatistician
Sara HarryssonAffiliated to research
Ida Hed MyrbergPhD student
Karin HellgrenAffiliated to research
Johanna Hellgrenproject assistant
Paul HjemdahlProfessor Emeritus/Emerita
Anders Hjernprofessor/senior physician
Marie HolmqvistAffiliated to research
Zakir Hossinpostdoctoral researcher
Johann HreinssonAffiliated to research
Madeleine HummelAffiliated to research
Viking HussPhD Student
Josef IsungAffiliated to research
Anna IvertPhD Student
Joel JoelssonPhD Student
Martina Johannessonproject coordinator
Kari Johanssonassistant professor
Stefan JohanssonAffiliated to research
Karin JohnsonPhD student
Paulina Jonéuspostdoctoral researcher
Helena Jonsson RolandsdotterAffiliated to research
Susanne KarlfeldtAffiliated to research
Fatine KhammariPhD Student
Lisa KognerPhD Student
Ingvar KrakauAffiliated to research
Kári Kristjánssonstatistician
Younes LaalouPhD student
Pierre Lafoliesenior lecturer
Ida LagerströmPhD Student
Anna Maria Lampousipostdoctoral researcher
Kevin LasmiPhD student
Lucas LernehavIT technician
Carl-Emil LimPhD student
Charlotte Lindblad WollmannAffiliated to research
Linda LindströmAffiliated to research
Can LiuAffiliated to research
Qiaoling LiuAffiliated to research
Lotta LjungAffiliated to research
Louise LundborgAffiliated to research
Kinda LundströmPhD Student
Petter MalmborgAffiliated to research
Rickard Malmströmadjunct senior lecturer
Ängla MantelAffiliated to research
Torkel MattessonPhD Student
Heather Millerclinical assistant
Ayoub MithaAffiliated to research
Hanna MogensenAffiliated to research
Viktor MolanderAffiliated to research
Scott Montgomeryresearcher
Natalia MouratidouAffiliated to research
Giulia MuracaAffiliated to research
Olivia Aya NakitandaAffiliated to research
Martin Neoviusprofessor
Viet Ngoc NguyenPhD student
Helena NordHR administrator
Eva NordendahlAffiliated to research
Emelie NordenhökAffiliated to research
Sofia NordenmalmPhD Student
Kristina NoringAffiliated to research
Adam NygrenPhD Student
Ola Olénadjunct professor
Mehdi Osooliresearch coordinator
Ida Palmqvistproject assistant
Björn Pasternakprincipal researcher
Karina PatasovaAffiliated to research
Laura Pazzagliresearch specialist
Gunnar Peterssonsoftware programmer
Andreas PetterssonAffiliated to research
Linnea Plaza LadforsPhD student
Pauline RaaschouAffiliated to research
Maxime Raffraypostdoctoral researcher
Susanne Rautiainen LagerströmAffiliated to research
Neda Razazsenior lecturer
Katarina RemaeusAffiliated to research
Monica Ringheimadministrator
Christina Roeck HansenAffiliated to research
Nathalie Roosproject manager
Andreas RoosAffiliated to research
Maud Ruttingresearch nurse
Diana RydbergAffiliated to research
Haider Walid SabhanPhD Student
Saedis Saevarsdottirresearcher
Elina SalonenPhD Student
Anna SandströmAffiliated to research
Stefanie SchmauderAffiliated to research
Julia SimardAffiliated to research
Eleni SimatouPhD student
Linnea SjöblomPhD student
Daniel Sjöholmresearch engineer
Jessica SjölundAffiliated to research
Kelsi SmithAffiliated to research
Tea SoiniAffiliated to research
Simon Steigerstatistician
Olof Stephanssonprofessor/senior physician
Carl-Olav StillerAffiliated to research
Helena SundvallPhD Student
Henrik SvanströmAffiliated to research
John SvenssonAffiliated to research
Jonas SöderlingAffiliated to research
Mariel Taxénproject coordinator
Eleonor TibladAffiliated to research
Liselotte TidbladAffiliated to research
Eleni TsamantiotiPhD student
Peter Uedaassistant professor
Suvi VirtanenPhD student
Sigurd VitolsAffiliated to research
Siri Vogherastatistician
Hjalmar WadströmAffiliated to research
Karin WadströmPostdoctoral studies
Kristin WaldenlindAffiliated to research
Sara WedrénAffiliated to research
Rikke WesselhøftAffiliated to research
Helga Westerlindsenior research specialist
Anna-Maria WintlerPhD Student
Viktor Wintzellcoordinator
Felix WittströmPhD student
Tove WästerlidAffiliated to research
Qian YangAffiliated to research
Johan Zetterqviststatistician
Jingcheng ZhaoAffiliated to research
Caroline Öbergcoordinator
Anton Öberg SysojevAffiliated to research
Caroline Öfverberg Collianderproject coordinator
Anne ÖrtqvistAffiliated to research