
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 KEP Askling, 171 77 Stockholm



Peter Alpingpostdoctoral researcher
Luigi AnnicchiaricoAffiliated to research
Pernilla Appelquistadministrator
Elizabeth Arkemaprincipal researcher
Johan Asklingprofessor/senior physician
Majd BairkdarPhD Student
Nurgul Batyrbekovastatistician
Martin Björklundstatistician
Magnus Bomanprofessor
Hannah BowerAffiliated to research
Gustaf Bruzeresearch coordinator
Weng CheAffiliated to research
Marina Deharaproject coordinator
Bénédicte Delcoignestatistician
Daniela di Giuseppestatistician
Nils Eckerdalstatistician
Edit Ekströmproject coordinator
Arvid EngströmPhD Student
Thomas Frisellprincipal researcher
Alvaro Gomez Gonzalezpostdoctoral researcher
Karin GunnarssonPhD Student
Naz Haquestatistician
Karin HellgrenAffiliated to research
Johanna Hellgrenproject assistant
Marie HolmqvistAffiliated to research
Viking HussPhD Student
Martina Johannessonproject coordinator
Paulina Jonéuspostdoctoral researcher
Susanne KarlfeldtAffiliated to research
Ingvar KrakauAffiliated to research
Younes LaalouPhD student
Anna Maria Lampousipostdoctoral researcher
Carl-Emil LimPhD student
Qiaoling LiuAffiliated to research
Lotta LjungAffiliated to research
Kinda LundströmPhD Student
Heather Millerclinical assistant
Viktor MolanderAffiliated to research
Martin Neoviusprofessor
Viet Ngoc NguyenPhD student
Helena NordHR administrator
Ida Palmqvistproject assistant
Björn Pasternakprincipal researcher
Karina PatasovaAffiliated to research
Laura Pazzagliresearch specialist
Gunnar Peterssonsoftware programmer
Maxime Raffraypostdoctoral researcher
Maud Ruttingresearch nurse
Saedis Saevarsdottirresearcher
Elina SalonenPhD Student
Julia SimardAffiliated to research
Simon Steigerstatistician
Henrik SvanströmAffiliated to research
Liselotte TidbladAffiliated to research
Peter Uedaassistant professor
Suvi VirtanenPhD student
Hjalmar WadströmAffiliated to research
Karin WadströmPostdoctoral studies
Kristin WaldenlindAffiliated to research
Sara WedrénAffiliated to research
Helga Westerlindsenior research specialist
Anna-Maria WintlerPhD Student
Viktor Wintzellcoordinator
Anton Öberg SysojevAffiliated to research
Caroline Öfverberg Collianderproject coordinator